I'm back pt 1

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Tony stark was dead. His only father figure was dead. And so was his aunt. His girlfriend and best friend moved away and the avengers forgot about him except Bucky who visited him to hang out. Peter was still Spider-Man, he still saved people but he wasn't the same... he didn't use funny comments anymore and his suit slowly got darker until it was black with a ripped hood. Peter wasn't the same either he was still the smartest but he never talked and he always had his hood up and headphones on, he stopped liking Star Wars and flash only made a few comments now after Peter had pinned him to the floor and smashed his head on the desk. They all knew he had lost his aunt, his only living relative and they had heard how close he was to Tony Stark some didn't believe him but they saw how his death affected him they believed him. Peter had gained the nickname 'the ghost' because he roamed the halls like a ghost, the underdogs saw as a hero because he would stop the bullies however they were still scared of him. He had completely changed.

Tony snapped his fingers and said goodbye to the kid who he saw as his own, and it all went black....But he could still feel and smell, he opened his eyes and saw a purple sky with blue smeared across it. He turned to his side and saw that his armour was off and he was in the clothes he wore when he got married he stumbled up ignoring the vertigo that followed, tony looked to the floor but it was just one big mirror looking up he saw a huge building that looked like it was greek because....it was. He stumbled forward and climbed the hard, stone steps to where the pillars were, he lent on one of them for support when he felt a presence behind him, he span around to see three old women all but one with no eyes and the other had one eye which she passed to one of them.
"Well hello!" They said in unison they all had no teeth except the one in the middle who had one yellow tooth  which she pulled out and handed it to the one who took out the eye
"Good god! What's happening?" Tony asked his voice shaky, the women laughed
"You're dead!" They once again said in unison sending chills down his back
"Ok...who are you and if I'm dead what am I doing here?" He asked his hands shaking, the women once again rotated the eye and tooth

"We are the fates and the reason you are here is because we don't want you to actually die just yet!!" Lady number one cackled and tony nodded gulping
"Ok why?" He asked and they paused and looked slightly embarrassed
"We are actually huge fans! Pffft were kidding, no Zeus has told hades to tell Thanatos that you are a hero who needs to live so we are here because they thought we would be less intimidating" lady number 2 said as she fiddled with her tatty, black robes
"Okay so are you going to send me back or.....?" He asked and the women huffed
"Yes yes just wait we want to show you some memories first!" Last but not least lady number three said before they pulled him into the floor like it was water. He suddenly felt cold before he found him self in the avengers's tower's kitchen but it was black and white, then Peter walked in with him by his side? He watched on and he remembered it more and more! This was when he and Peter made hot chocolate and set the kitchen on fire, and the next one was his wedding day, then when he and Peter went to Disney land for Peter's birthday, or when he was with the team eating shawarma in silence but it was comfortable and the many times Clint pranked him, then when the team played monopoly, he beamed when he saw the memory of Peter and him goofing around in the lab, he saw him and pepper on their anniversary when she pushed him in the pool.
By the end of it he was in tears and the ladies smiled, they led him back outside and took out two pieces of a string and started to chant, the sky went red and he could see his breath as the temperature dropped, the string become one once again and he gasped as he fell into darkness.

Peter opened the double doors to the school and walked down the corridor his headphones on blasting music, he wore a long ,black hoodie with the hood up, he had a tatty brown leather jacket on and ripped jeans, his shoes were brown boots with buckles attached. If you looked into his eyes you could see how broken and damaged he was, there was no need to look hard all you needed was a glance, everyone in was scared of him but they also admired him for how he still held it together after everything he had been through because they knew he saw his aunt and uncle die and they knew he held their corpses in his arms as he blamed himself, they knew he lost his parents at a young age and they knew he lost his only friend and girlfriend and they saw that he struggled but he kept it together.

He walked into his art class room and felt his heart drop at seeing some of MJ's art on the wall, a new teacher sat at the front
"Hello class i-" but Peter zoned out and put on his headphones which were promptly snatched away
"Excuse me! What is your name?" The lean man asked his voice annoyed
"Batman, you?" He retorted earning a few chuckles
"Alright Batman why are you listening to music in my class?" The man said and Peter smirked
"Because I'm Batman!" He said his voice abnormally low before he snatched his head phones and left the classroom ignoring the teachers detentions.
He ran out the doors and jumped onto his motorcycle removing his jacket and hoodie to reveal his tattooed arms which were snakes and spiders.
He drove fast ignoring the speed limit right to a huge run down warehouse by the cliffs, he parked his bike inside and smiled as he saw his home

Ok so I lied his smile was more of a grimace as he dropped his backpack on the floor and headed to the crates that were his bed "well at least I have running water

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Ok so I lied his smile was more of a grimace as he dropped his backpack on the floor and headed to the crates that were his bed "well at least I have running water...nope I have a toilet that's all I have to use the river" he said to himself, he did that a lot it gave him someone to talk to after Karen and came alive like ultron and he had to destroy her which ripped him apart even more. So now he just talked to nothingness or Bucky but he had to sneak away because Steve would get worried so he never stayed long but Peter saw him as a brother and Bucky thought the same, at least that's what Peter hoped.

Tony fell hard and the first thing he registered were the avengers all in their defensive stances
"TONY!!" They screamed and ran at him to engulf him in a hug which he gratefully embraced with tears down his face (yo that rhymed! did it?)
"How are you alive?" Bruce asked fascinated and I smiled
"Zeus told hades to tell Thanatos to revive me. I met the fates and they unsnipped my thread" he explained and Thor nodded
"Yeah I've met them before...kinda creepy" he muttered before leaving to get pop tarts. They all caught up as Tony was just so happy to be back when they heard a thud from behind them, Tony span around to see pepper standing there staring at him with tears streaming down her cheeks and phone on the floor
"T-Tony? OH MY GOD TONY!" She cried before he ran to her wrapping her in a hug. After he called a press meeting saying he was alive which made the public celebrate everywhere he settled back in the couch with the avengers but something was off
"Where's Peter?" He asked and the others looked up at him
"Oh we haven't seen him since your funeral" Steve said a puzzled look on his face
"So none of you checked on him?!" Tony cried and they looked down guilty
"Ok we are all going to queens right now! FRIDAY track his suit he might be on patrol ...we're going to get my kid!" He announced and they climbed on the Quinn jet.

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