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So I had a good idea.....I hope it's good anyways.

Have a nice day I probably won't but whatever

🚩Mentions of self harm and a jerk of a Tony! You have been warned 🚩

Tony had met Peter before. When he was 14 it was a field trip and the boy got lost but and he spent the day with the avengers. Tony soon found out that this kid was a genius and that he had warmed his heart. It was sad giving him back to the teachers but he still remembers the kid clearly no matter how many years ago it was. That's one of the reasons he accepted him for the internship. He was excited to see the excitable kid again. They all were.

Peter walked up to the tower. With his headphones on over his hood which his black hair stuck out of, he got some odd looks, of course he did! He was a 17 year old who had tattoos on his neck and Arms, a nose, eyebrow, lip, and ear piercings and black eye liner. He wore a long black coat which was ripped at the end and equally ripped black jeans. He wore black combat boots with buckles on them.

After flashing his pass to the receptionist they pointed to the private elevator. He let Friday take him up.
Meeting the avengers huh? Ok I guess they nice last time.....before everyone I loved died....
He took a deep breath so he wouldn't cry and stepped out of the elevator to be faced with the avengers eating lunch.

Peter leant against the door frame and waited to be noticed.
"I'm sorry who are you?" Asked Steve drawing all the attention on him, Peter smirked and sauntered forward with his hands up in defence yet he was relaxed and casual
"I'll let you guess" Peter said as he collapsed on the couch
"Who. Are. You." Tony growled and Peter sighed as he looked at the avengers who were all standing ready to fight
"I'm shocked! Then again I suppose I've changed since the field trip" Peter chuckled and the heroes gasped
"PETER?!" The cried
"What happened to you?" Steve asked and Peter's smile dropped
"Yeah you were so nice" tony cried, Peter felt anger rise in his chest.
"A lot happened" Peter muttered " I lost Ben, I lost May, I lost Ned, I lost Gwen. I lost everyone. They're all dead." He said tears in his eyes but he blinked them away
"Oh I'm sorry Pete" Nat said but Tony just crossed his arms
"Well. I wasn't expecting this, I'm sorry but you're fired" Tony said and Peter frowned
"What?!" He cried and Nat pushed Tony into a corner as the other avengers started yelling at him.

Peter rolled his eyes and climbed down the side of the building. He landed and walked through town collapsing On a bench, he sits there crying softly when a girl sat next to him
"Are you ok?" She asked, Peter looked up to see a girl with long brown hair and amber eyes. She wore ripped jeans and a PJO shirt.
"Yeah I'm great!" He lied but she raised an eyebrow "fine, there was this person I met when I was 14 and we were good friends. But I changed after my parents, aunt, uncle, best friend, and girlfriend died. He then fired me from an internship he gave me. I'm so tired of it all" he cried and the girl smiled
"It's okay. I know what it's like" she said before rolling up her sleeve to show neat scars. He smiled softly and showed his own.

Maybe life wasn't so bad after all.....

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