The other man

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Kate Allen was exhausted to her bones. She looked at the itinerary in front of her and counted: 15 gigs to go. 16 days. There was a rest day there somewhere, if she could just hang out for that. She lay back on the dressing room couch and wondered if anyone would notice if she just had a short nap before tonight. Just as her eyes closed there was a knock on the door.
"Kate! You dressed?"
She sighed. "Yes, I'll be out in a sec."
Ed Sheeran didn't wait, and he wasn't going to wait for her to get up. He opened the door and looked down at her. "You good?" He asked, the sentiment much more caring than his monosyllabic words suggested.
"Yep, let's do it." Kate's feet were on the floor before she had time to think about anything else.
She followed Adam and Craig on to the stage and stood at the keyboard ready to start 'Sing!'. The screaming crowd drowned out everything else as he walked on stage, guitar at the ready, and Kate was grateful for her earphones dulling some of the sound.
2 hours and a much too short interval later, they were back in the dressing room. Kate sipped on hot honey and lemon. "Ah Brazil. They never disappoint." Ed said grinning. "We'll have to change it up a bit tomorrow though. Same gig, same venue, potentially boring." Kate chuckled. No two gigs were ever the same, he took great joy in keeping them guessing. "Kate. I want you to kick off the second set. Do your own stuff if you want."
The smile disappeared from her face. "Wait, what? No, they're not here to see me. And my stuff is nowhere near ready."
"Well get it ready. You've got all day tomorrow." He smirked. She knew there was no point in arguing, she wouldn't win, she'd just end up hoarse and flustered. "I see lover boy is doing his own gigs now. At bloody Wheatland no less."
"He's done so well, you should hear the accent! I could be marrying a Nashville native!"
"Set a date yet?" Adam asked.
"No but we've picked a general area of the globe and that only took four months, so give it another year at least," Kate laughed. "Planning a wedding gets complicated when you're on separate continents."
"Only a month to go, Kate and you'll get to visit while we're there."
"29 days," Kate corrected him. Not that she was counting.

On the way back to the hotel she got a text from Tom asking if they were skyping, she replied yes and hurried to her room when they arrived, opening the laptop and pressing the call button next to 'prince charming'.
"There you are," he said softly. "I've been waiting to see you all day, darling." He smiled, but his eyes didn't light up like Kate was used to.
"Hey baby. Are you OK?"
"Yeah." Kate knew he was lying. He looked exhausted, pale and way too thin for her liking. His eyes, normally a stunning bright blue, were glassy and a little sunken and his nose was red.
"You don't look well,"
"Kate please. I have to be this thin-"
"I'm not talking about that. I said I wouldn't. I mean you look like you've got a cold."
"Oh. Yeah, a bit."
"Please take it easy, Tom. This is a long one, remember. You still have three months to go. Don't let the pressure get to you, I've watched the videos from Wheatland a few times and you're sounding brilliant."
"Not everyone agrees with that, but thank you. Even if you're biased." He smiled, a little bigger than before. "There's just so many challenges in this one, I'm enjoying it but I think it's the hardest role I've ever taken on."
"You're doing great. Trust Rodney, he would tell you the truth."
"Yeah you're right. I've been watching you, too. Nice legs by the way. How was tonight?"
"Ha! That dress will not be making another appearance I don't think. Tonight was great, the crowd was so loud!"
"Save it for when you're here," he winked. "How's your other man?"
"Hm. Not nearly as good in bed as you," she joked. "The bastard has dumped me in it again, he wants me to open the second set tomorrow on my own. With my songs!"
"That's excellent darling!"
"Yeah but they're not ready for performing yet. One I still can't get further than half way without crying!"
"Get practising then."
Kate narrowed her eyes. "Have you been conspiring with Ed?"
"No, why? I just want to hear you sing."
"I'll record it in the morning so you can hear it first," Tom yawned. "You should get some sleep, my Thomas."
"Probably. We're starting at 6am tomorrow and going right through to a night shoot. I'll have to run at 5."
"Tom, you dont-" she cut off, remembering her promise. She wouldn't talk about him being too thin, or running too much, not eating enough, anything to do with his weight. He had to do it for the role, and he had to get thinner as it went on. "Go get some sleep then, I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you."
"I love you too Kate. God I miss you."
"Me too."
He hung up and it was all Kate could do to get undressed before falling asleep.

Tom closed his laptop. He tried not to put on too much of a brave face for Kate, but he was so tired. His throat felt full of razor blades, his head was stuffy and he could barely run the course the last couple of days. He had to push on, there was no time for extra rest. He put the laptop of the floor, retrieved his script and decided to rest his eyes for a moment before reviewing tomorrow's scenes. That would be the last thing he did, not opening them again until his alarm buzzed the following morning.

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