Together apart

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Tom made his way through the crew to his trailer. He had half an hour before he had to be changed and ready to go again and he needed something for his pounding head and a cup of tea. Declan, his assistant, stopped him on the way past. "What?" He snapped.
"Sorry, I um. I've got your phone, I just thought you might want it."
"Dec, I'm really sorry. I wouldn't normally ask, but could you please find me some painkillers and a strong tea?"
"Of course. Everything OK?"
"Yes I'm just coming down with something I think. Thanks for bringing me this," he said holding up his phone.
"You've got a message from Kate, I didn't think you'd want to miss it. I'll be back in a minute."
Tom sat down with his head down and squeezed his eyes shut, pinching the bridge of his nose. He didn't have time to get sick. Berating himself for snapping at Declan, he read Kate's message. It was a recording of one of the songs she'd written, titled Together apart. Not quite slow enough to be a ballad, it was mesmerising, just Kate and a piano. His eyes stung with tears as he listened to her voice, his beautiful Kate singing lyrics he knew were written about him. He watched it twice before Dec came back and stood in the doorway, waiting. Tom looked up.
"Is that- none of my business. Here you go," he handed Tom two tablets and his tea and got him a glass of water. "Do you need anything else? I can ask for a longer break if you need it?"
"No, thank you though. It's Kate, she's written a few songs and she sent me one she's singing for the first time tonight. Dec, I'm sorry I snapped at you."
"You're stressed, I get it. That was lovely," he said pointing at Tom's phone. "Um, can I..."
"Of course," Tom pressed play and handed him the phone.
"Wow. She's really good. Like really good."
"Hehe I'll tell her you said so. Thanks Dec. I'm just going to drink this and rest my eyes for a minute. Can you come and get me in 20?"
Tom lay his head back and closed his eyes, listening to Kate one more time before replying to her message.
That was beautiful darling I'm so proud of you. Brought tears to my eyes xx could you have Ed record the live version for me?

Kate still wasn't sure but she played the three charts for Ed anyway. He'd asked her to do A Team and although she'd resisted he'd won, and she had put her own spin on it.
"Love it, you rock." He said. "I'll record it for Tom tonight if you want."
"Awesome, thanks."
It was getting late in the afternoon and she showered and dressed in black skinny jeans, pumps and a sequined black tank top before they went to the gig. Her hair was a mess of wild curls, the humidity made straightening pointless so she braided it loosely and let the curly ends spill down her back.

After the interval Kate sat on the stage at the piano, alone. It was a surreal feeling and she was surprised to find the nerves and butterflies had left her, leaving only excitement. She began with 'Fearless', the first song she had ever written. She had only added lyrics a few days ago when she had gained some confidence with Ed's help. The audience reaction was much more than she had expected, and she had to wait for the applause to die down before going in to 'Together apart' and 'A team', after which Ed joined her on stage and made her take a bow. She was pretty sure the cheering was for him, but it was exhilarating nonetheless.
"Did you see it?" She squealed down the phone. She couldn't wait until they were back at the hotel and had called from the dressing room.
"Ah, Kate? It's Declan, Tom is still shooting so he asked me to look after his phone."
"Oh," she giggled. "Sorry Dec I forgot he was shooting tonight. Ask him to call me when he's done?"
"I sure will. He showed me the video from this morning, I hope that's OK. You're really great, the song is beautiful."
"Aww thanks. I have to go, I'm sure we'll talk again though."
She got in to the car with Ed and they left for the hotel. 13 shows left, and 27 days until she saw Tom in Louisiana.
Kate didn't realise she had fallen asleep on the bed until her phone woke her up and she answered groggily.
"I'm sorry darling I didn't want to wake you,"
"No no its ok, I was waiting for you. With my eyes closed." She rubbed them sleepily.
"I'll be quick so you can get back to sleep. Ed sent me the video, I am so proud of you. You looked comfortable, you sounded like an angel and you made me cry for the second time today. I am the luckiest man in the world to be marrying you. How did you feel?"
"Oh my god, Tom it was fantastic. I wasn't even nervous once I was there and the lights came up. It was incredible. How are you today?"
"I'm good."
"You're lying because I can't see you. You still sound exhausted."
"I'll be fine, Kate. Hanging out to see you and then Christmas. Then I can rest. I love you, my beautiful Katherine."
"I love you, Tom. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
Kate hung up and worried about Tom for a few seconds before falling back to sleep.

Tom hung up and closed his eyes. His head throbbed, his nose burned and his throat was raw. Come to think of it his whole body hurt. He put his head on the pillow and drifted in and out of a restless sleep. When he woke at 5am he was drenched in sweat and wondered if he might have a fever, too. He took some Tylenol and got dressed for his morning run, only making it half the distance he usually did. Assuming his strictly limited calories and exhaustion were the reason, he showered and went to the set to get ready for filming, drinking a smoothie on the way.

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