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Kate sighed, staring out at the rain over the gardens in Buckinghamshire. Early thus morning the sun had been shining, now it was cold and wet. The rain fell on the glass ceiling of the conservatory, making patterns all over the room. She swayed slowly. "No outside walks today, sweetheart. But that's OK, something much more exciting is happening." She smiled and turned to go upstairs. On the way something in the formal reception room caught her eye, and she went in. Inside the large cabinet a tiny ray of sunshine was reflecting on the gold academy award with Tom's name on it. She looked at the framed picture next to it and frowned a little. It had two stills from the film and she remembered how thin and sick he had been while filming. The one next to it was him and Kate together with the Oscar, and he looked more like the Tom she knew, stubble and all.
She smiled remembering that night. They had only been married a year, and would find out soon after that they were expecting. Kate had been recording in New York, her flight was delayed and she almost hadn't made it. "He's such a talented man, your daddy," she said. On her way out she straightened a large canvas, the beautiful couple on it smiling down at her. The blue ocean and white sand of the Seychelles set off the colours in the photo: Kate's white dress, pink roses and blue eyes, and Tom's grey suit and blue shirt. Looking at it made her smile every time, remembering the salt air, the sound of the water, the hot sun on their skin, the beautiful red and purple sunset as the celebrated in to the night. Seeing Tom's eyes glisten with tears as she walked down the sand to him, and all through their vows. The feeling of complete and utter happiness that she had thought might never happen.
Continuing upstairs, she checked the guest bedrooms and bathroom were ready for visitors. She stopped for a moment in another doorway, admiring the modern white nursery they had created together. Everything was white and pastels and it looked fit for a prince or princess. Sitting down in the rocking chair she sang softly while rocking. Kate had almost dozed off herself when she heard Tom at the front door.
"Darling, I'm home! And I brought surprises!"
Kate stood carefully and went slowly down the stairs, not wanting to risk her precious cargo. She gasped and almost ran when she saw a small boy run in past Tom, almost tripping him. "William? Oh my gosh you brought William! He's so grown up!"
"Not just William," Tom said, gesturing behind him. Lizzie and Jake followed along with Kate's parents, Nerida and Jeremy. Kate rushed them all in to the lounge room so they could sit down. She had been expecting her parents but Liz and Jake were a complete surprise. Handing a bundle of blankets to Tom she ran to Liz and hugged her tight, squealing just a little.
"May I introduce Matilda Elizabeth Diana Hiddleston," he said, gently lowering the tiny baby girl in to Nerida's arms. There were oohs and aahs all around as she stretched her tiny hands up out of the pink blanket. Tom stood behind Kate and put his arms around her waist, kissing the top of her head gently. "Surprise," he whispered.
"You did this? Brought them over?"
"I helped. Mostly with the keeping it from you," he chuckled.
"Kate, this place is incredible." Liz was wandering around looking out at the gardens.
"It is, isn't it? I knew when we saw it it would be perfect."
"You've got the palace, the Prince charming, the little baby princess. What's next?"
"A puppy," Tom said, grinning.

A/N: There is now a fourth installment in this series, titled Melancholia. Let me know what you think!

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