Wake me up when it's over

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Kate waited for Amy, holding Tom's hand in both of her own. She felt his fingers move, and then guessed she had imagined it. Wishful thinking, she chided herself. She heard him groan as he moved his head a little and immediately reached for the buzzer to get Amy. "Tom? Baby, I'm here, it's Kate."
"Kate?" He opened his eyes and slammed them shut again. "Argh." Kate switched off his overhead light so only the dimmer down lights were on.
"That might be better."
He blinked again. "A little. My beautiful Kate."
"Hey, you." She looked into his bright blue eyes and turned away when tears spilled down her face again. "God Tom you scared the life out of me."
"I'm sorry darling." He reached his hand up for her face and winced, and she moved closer to him and kissed his lip softly. "I love you."
Kate smiled, "I love you too. Amy is coming, so is Dr Porter."
"Who?" He frowned.
"The people with the drugs for your head, Tom." She smiled.
"Oh, good."
"While they're here I'll duck out and call Emma, she's been waiting at your house."
"Please don't go, call her now."
As he asked, she called Emma without moving away. "He's awake, Emma." She turned away from him, covering her face with her hand. "Yep. They're on their way. Yeah I'm just relieved. See you soon." Kate hung up and tried to compose herself before turning back to Tom. She failed miserably, collapsing in to the chair and holding his hand.
"I'm so sorry Kate." He leaned over and stroked her hair gently. She sniffed and looked up at him.
"How are you feeling?" She said shakily.
"My head feels like someone jackhammered my brain. And my chest feels like there's an elephant on it." He smiled gingerly. "Otherwise I'm good. I think. What day is it?"
"Uh, I have no idea," Kate giggled. "But you've been here just over two days."
Amy and Dr Porter opened the door. They explained everything to Tom while Amy gave him some pain relief. He looked like his head might explode with the overload of information. Emma and Zach arrived just as they were leaving, and Emma ran to Tom's side to hug him. "My god you frightened us!"
"I'll let you two have a minute," Kate said.
"Please don't go Kate," Tom grabbed her hand.
"I'll be right back, I promise."
"I won't stay long unless you want me to," Emma said as Kate closed the door. "I have to get back to London as soon as I know you're ok."
"I'm ok. I'd love for you to stay but I'm not in the most hospitable state."
"I'm wouldn't go if you weren't in good hands, but I know you are. Kate would quite literally give her life for you I think. She is definitely perfect for you."
"I think so. I hate to think what I've put her through."
"You know she won't tell you. But Zach probably will, Luke sent him to look after her."
They talked for a while before Tom got sleepy and asked Emma to get Kate. They farewelled each other, promising a happier catch up at Christmas, and Emma phoned a cab to go to the airport. On her way out she turned to Zach, "You look after her while Tom can't, she's my family."

Kate and Zach went quietly in to Tom's room and Kate dimmed the lights for him again. "Good to see you brother, I hear you've been keeping my seat warm for me?" Tom said to Zach. "Thank you for being here and taking care of Kate."
"My pleasure. How are you feeling?"
"High as a kite," Tom laughed.
"I'm going to get you something to eat, Kate, and then I'll head back to Tom's. If all is well tomorrow I should get back to Missy."
"You don't need to-" she cut off as he frowned. "OK. Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow before you go?"
"You will. I'll be back shortly."
Kate sat down and stroked Tom's face. "God I missed you. I mean you were here, but you weren't, here."
"Mmm I missed you too. Honestly the stunts I have to pull to see you." He grinned, and then clapped his hand over his face. "Shit, Kate!"
"What? What's wrong?"
"You're supposed to be touring! What are you going to do?"
"Relax. It's all settled, I can go back when I'm ready and Zach found someone to fill in for me. Ed understands, he's the reason I got here so quickly."
"Go as soon as you need to."
"I'm not going anywhere just yet, at least until you're back on your feet and at home."
"Oh, good. I was really scared, Kate. Nothing like this has happened to me before."
"You should sleep, you still need a lot of rest before you can go home," she said running her fingers through his hair. "Close your eyes."
"Sing to me?"
"I don't have... OK."
She didn't even get through one song before he was sleeping peacefully and she tiptoed to the door when Zach came back.
She wrapped her arms tight around him. "You are the most amazing friend either of us could ever hope for. I can never thank you enough for taking care of me while I was too busy worrying about Tom. We're really lucky to have you. I love you."
"I love you too gorgeous. It was nothing, I'm glad I could do something helpful. I'm so happy for you, and so relieved he's going to be OK. Is he asleep?"
"I'll see him tomorrow then. Any chance you're coming home tonight to get some rest?"
"Nope. None. I'm not leaving. But there's a recliner in there I can sleep in, and I've been well fed today so I'll be fine."
She released him and he took the keys to Tom's house and handed her a box of fish and chips, making her smile. When he was out of sight Kate went back to Tom's room, sitting down at the table. She watched him sleep and had never been so relieved.

As long as we both shall live [Tom Hiddleston]{EBT book 3 of 4}Where stories live. Discover now