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Kate knocked quietly on Ed's hotel room door and he opened it, ushering her quietly inside. It was full of blinding lights and cameras and three chairs were set up, Kate guessed one for the interviewer and one each for her and Ed. As she walked further in to the room she was approached by a woman in her thirties with long brown hair, her hand outstretched.

"You must be Kate, I'm so glad you could make it. I'm Brenna, I'll be interviewing the two of you today. Ed has filled me in a bit on what he wants to talk about and we're sticking with musical stuff, OK?"

"Yeah that sounds great," Kate said, wondering exactly what Ed had told her. She made herself stop sliding her engagement ring around and around her finger.

They sat down and got started with a few questions just for Ed, about the tour and taking extra musicians on the road with him.

"... and if I hadn't, the world would never have known about the exceptional talent of Kate Allen." he said. Kate blushed and tried not to look down at the floor.

"Aww, thanks mate."

"So Kate, you've gone from Disney artist, to backing vocals, to performing your own stuff at Ed's shows. That must be an amazing experience." Brenna said.

"He's given me the most amazing opportunities. He likes to throw me a challenge pretty much every gig and see what I do with it, which is amazing and terrifying all at the same time!"

"We saw you perform a couple of your own songs, with a guitar. And I think I heard haven't been playing it very long?"

"Um, no. Guitar was always a huge challenge, I just never thought I was cut out for it. Ed started teaching me a bit and then when we had a break and I was in Louisiana without a piano I picked up Tom's guitar and gave it another go."

"The one you're playing now isn't Tom's though, is it?"

"No, it was a surprise gift when we started this tour."

"From Tom?"

"Yes. It's beautiful, it has a lovely warm tone and it really suits my hands, I find it really easy to play."

"You recently had to be replaced for a few gigs to rush back to him while he was in hospital, how is he doing now?"

"He's much better. Back on set and recovering well."

"So you'll be joining him in Shreveport when the tour is over in a couple of weeks?"

"I'm not sure yet. Home is in London and I have some other projects to prepare for so we'll see. I guess it will depend on a few factors, one of them being how close they are to wrapping."

"Any details you can give us on the wedding plans?"

"Hahaha no, I'm guarding those with my life."

"It was worth a shot," Brenna laughed. "Ed there are rumours you're starting your own record label. Will Kate be your first signing?"

"Gee I hope both of those things happen. For now there's nothing official though, I'm still under contract so nothing will happen until next year either way. It's something I'd love to do one day, but it takes a lot of planning and commitment and responsibility as well, so we will see."

"Well we look forward to seeing you both on stage tonight, and I personally can't wait to see some wedding pics, Kate!"

"Easy peasy," Ed said when they had gone. "Handled like a pro. Can you come to all my interviews? Your personal life is much more exciting than mine."

"Yes, unfortunately it is." Kate sighed. "I have to go and get dressed, we're leaving in half an hour."

"OK. How was your date this morning?"

"The one with Tom's sister? Good."

"Feel better about the whole situation?"

"Nope. Confused as hell."

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