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The cab ride from Shreveport to the set dragged on and on. Kate thought she might have seen every single blade of grass they passed, every window in every house, every line on the road. Finally they pulled up and she called Declan so he could meet her at the gate.
"Katherine?" a voice said behind her.
"Oh, Kate, please. You must be Declan?"
"Yes, it's lovely to meet you. As you can imagine I've heard a lot about you!"
"Haha he likes to exaggerate, don't believe all of it! How is he today?"
"Yeah he's ok. Definitely not himself I don't think. He's in his trailer at the moment you've come at just the right time, he has about an hour."
He led her to the trailer and left her to knock on the door. She heard Tom clear his throat before he said "Come in, Dec. It's open."
A smile spread across Kate's face as she opened the door and peeked inside. "I'm not Dec but hopefully I'm not a disappointment either," she said softly and walked toward him. He was sitting on the couch and she sat in his lap, seeing him try to hide a wince.
"Kate! Oh my god! It's so fucking good to see you," he buried his face in her neck and squeezed her tight to him. Kate was grateful he wasn't looking at her face, it meant she didn't have to hide her shock at his appearance. After a few minutes stroking his hair she pulled his face to hers, kissing him slowly.
"Damn I've missed you," she breathed, pulling away to look in to his face.
Kate felt tears well behind her eyes and forced them back. He looked drawn, thin and sick. His blue eyes were sunken and dull, dark underneath and red around his eyelashes. Just under his eyes his cheekbones poked out a little too far, accentuating his skin and bone face. She could feel his body under her, bony and sickly thin where he was normally so strong. His skin was pale and almost grey, slightly slick with sweat, and his hands looked ten years older than just a few weeks ago. Kate noticed when he brushed her cheek that his hand trembled slightly, and he coughed raspily, needing a moment to catch his breath. She almost felt sick herself. Her beautiful strong man was looking thin, weak, and sick.
Choosing her words carefully, she looked in to his eyes and asked gently, "What did the doctor say?"
Tom lowered his gaze. "We got busy and I missed the appointment. Dec has made me another one this afternoon."
"OK good. How is it going?"
"The film? Good, I think. I'm second guessing everything, I've never done that before. I'm really worried I'm going to monumentally fuck it up."
Kate tilted his chin up so he had to look at her. "Tom, that's not going to happen. You are so talented, so clever, and so determined. Yes it's been hard and it's going to get harder, but you're going to kick it's arse like you always do."
"I'm not used to this. Self doubt is not in my vocabulary. I don't tolerate it. I've had so much criticism already."
"I know. I read it. But they don't know how exceptional you are, that you put your absolute everything in to every role. You hadn't started filming then, and I bet you've taken it on board, yes?" He nodded. "Well just keep doing your best, and let them commend you when it's released. Because they will." He smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Now, we need to talk about something else. I promised not to mention your weight anymore, and I won't. How are you feeling?"
"Awful. Every inch of my body hurts. I can't get through half a day without Tylenol, my throat is so sore I can only eat soup, and my head feels like it might explode. I didn't run this morning and I'm all stiff because I slept on the couch."
Kate couldn't speak. All she could do was pull him close and hug him, and pray the doctor would order him to rest.

Filming was wrapped up early and Kate went with Tom to see a local doctor. He was in his early 60s Kate guessed, a friendly man who she imagined had been practising there most of his life. After examining him, he asked about his diet, exercise, and work.
"I'm fairly certain you have a virus, perhaps even the flu. Either way, you need to rest. I understand the extreme weight loss is under supervision, and temporary, but when you're sick you need the extra reserves and you currently don't have any. I can tell from her face you have a very worried fiancée here," he gestured to Kate and she nodded. "You must rest. I'm giving you a certificate for two days and then I want to see you again." Tom started to protest. "This piece of paper means you can not work. If I have to I'll make it a week. I know you don't want to let anyone down, but you will if you have to do the whole movie like this. I'm surprised you can stand up and think straight."
Tom forced a smile and Kate got the impression that both of those activities were difficult. As they left, he handed her the car keys and sighed sadly. "Can you drive please?"
"Of course baby. For the next two days you do nothing, ok? I'm keeping you in bed."
"Ahhh Kate. Under any other circumstance that would be heaven." She saw him wince as he sat in the car. Tears stung Kate's eyes again and she wiped her face angrily. "You're mad at me," he said softly.
"No. A little. I am, yes. But only for being so committed you can't see when you need to stop."
"I'm sorry Kate. You're right, but I just want to get this right."
"You will. But not if you're in hospital. Or worse," she sniffed and Tom suppressed a slight chuckle, causing her to glare at him. "You look that bad, Thomas. If you didn't see a doctor and rest I was going to call your mother. I still might."
"I'll be good, I promise."

As long as we both shall live [Tom Hiddleston]{EBT book 3 of 4}Where stories live. Discover now