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Kate saw that Emma was sleeping next to the bed, but she opened her eyes when Kate opened the door.
"Good morning. What time is it?"
"Almost 6. You should go to Tom's and get some rest." She handed Emma the keys. "How's he doing?"
Emma sighed. "The same, which I guess is good." They both looked up and saw Zach outside with Dec.
"Dec has Tom's car, why don't you let him drive you?"
"I think I will. I'm so glad you got some rest, you looked like you could barely stand yesterday."
"I don't know how I was still standing. I'll call you and Diana if anything happens." She pulled Emma in to a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're here Emma."
"He's strong Kate, he'll be ok. I'll talk to you soon. I'll call mum on the way home."

Kate sat down and took Tom's hand in hers. It was soft and warm like she remembered and she put her cheek against it and closed her eyes. "I'm here, baby. You fight this like you promised."
A little while later Zach returned with coffees and they talked quietly until the doctor arrived.
"He's not out of the woods, but the pressure on his brain has decreased which is a good sign. And he's almost breathing on his own, I think we can take the tube out later today and see how he goes. We need to increase fluids and monitor his intracranial pressure. If he tolerates that we can wean him off the sedative and see how we go." He paused for Kate to take in what he had said, and she nodded. "We've confirmed it's viral, specifically adenovirus. Unfortunately that means it couldn't have been prevented and we just have to ride it out and let his body heal. It's impossible to say when he will be fit for work. Weeks, at least." Kate sighed. Tom wouldn't be happy about that.
"Thank you, doctor." She said as he was leaving.
Zach stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. "How are you doing?"
"I'm good. I just want him to wake up and be OK. Nothing else matters. And I need to call Ed, I don't even know what to tell him."
"Where's the gig? Chicago?" Kate nodded. "Would it help if I could get a fill in who is almost as good?"
"Yeah, but who are you going to find tonight? Without telling them what's going on?"
"Leave it with me." Zachary pulled his phone from his pocket and walked out while Kate called Diana and then Emma. He returned after a few minutes.
"You're good. She's going to give you half an hour to talk Ed in to it and then call him. She's already in Chicago but can travel with them as long as you need."
Kate hugged him. Then she called Ed.
"How's he doing Katie?"
"Same as yesterday. I'm not going to make it tonight, I'm sorry."
"Are you kidding? I wouldn't let you even if you could. You need to be there, we'll manage, don't you worry.
"I'm sending a replacement though. I'm pretty sure you'll love her. She'll be in touch shortly."
"OK. You really don't need to worry Kate, you need to be there with Tom. We'll welcome you back when you're ready."
"Thanks so much mate, I'll talk to you soon. Let me know how it goes."

Around lunch time Dr Porter came back with two nurses and suggested Kate go and get some lunch. Zach had been insisting she eat something, so they went quickly to the hospital cafe for a sandwich. When they returned they were still adjusting his IV and oxygen, so Kate and Zach waited in the lounge. He sat down on one of the couches and to his surprise Kate sat next to him, her legs tucked under her and her head on his shoulder. "You ok, Kate?"
"Yeah," she sighed heavily. "No."
Zach put his arm around her shoulders. "What's wrong?"
"What if he doesn't wake up? What if he has brain damage? What if his lungs don't recover?"
Zach squeezed her shoulder and hesitated. "Honestly, I don't know. I think maybe we just deal with things as they happen."
"I can't live- I don't want to live without him, Zach." Tears spilled down her cheeks and Zach moved back to look at her face.
"Hey, this is Tom we're talking about. He's not going anywhere. And if he did... well I knew you before he came along and you were pretty magnificent then, too." Kate could see Zach's eyes were wet. "He'll pull through this Kate. He has to."
Dr Porter knocked on the door and Kate sat up, wiping her face swiftly. He pulled up a chair and Kate wondered if that was a good sign.
"Sorry that took a little longer than we expected. He's off the ventilator but we had to reduce the sedation as well. He's doing well with the extra fluids today so we need to monitor closely, but he should be awake shortly. He will be groggy and probably very confused, and he's on heavy painkillers so don't be alarmed. We can't be sure there's no permanent damage but there's nothing on the EEG, and his last x ray showed his lungs clearing slightly."
Kate slumped back in to Zachary. "Thank god. Can I go back in now?"
"Yes you can. Be mindful of noise though, he's going to have one hell of a headache. You can both go in if you're quiet."
"Kate if you're ok for now I might head back and check on Emma?"
"Yeah OK. Give her the update for me?"

Kate went back to Tom's room and kissed his forehead and cheek as she sat down. "I love you Tom," she whispered in his ear. She took his hand in hers and stroked it gently. After a few minutes she put her head down on the bed and yawned, resting her eyes for a moment.
Kate was surprised when she opened them again, her neck was stiff and her arm had gone to sleep. Realising she must have dozed off she looked at her watch and gasped, it was just after 5pm. She was just starting to wonder if Tom had woken up and gone back to sleep when Amy, his nurse, opened the door.
"You're awake," she said. "There's a recliner there that's much more comfortable."
"Yeah, I wasn't planning on sleeping. I wanted to be right here when he woke up. Did he wake up already?"
"No hon, not yet. Don't worry yet though, sometimes it takes a few hours."
"It's been almost 5 already," Kate said.
"Should be any minute now, then. His obs are good, everything's stable. He just needs a bit more time. That can be normal, doesn't mean there's anything wrong. I can get Dr Porter if you like?"
"No, it's OK I'm probably just being a bit anxious,"
"He's due to review him at 7 anyway if he's not awake by then. Try to relax, hon."
"Thanks Amy."
Kate noticed a text from Zach. 'I'm with Emma, rather than crowd the room we'll wait until he wakes up. Just let me know we'll come straight in.' She replied quickly that he wasn't awake yet but she would let them know as soon as he was.

When Amy returned an hour later Kate was desperate to stretch her legs. "Would you mind staying while I get a coffee? I don't want him to wake up alone but I really need a walk."
"Sure, hon. Take your time."
As she walked it occurred to her that knowing Tom he'd have opened his eyes as soon as she closed the door. She chuckled to herself and was a little relieved even if she had only imagined it. On the way back she honestly expected him to be sitting up charming everyone like his usual self, and when she opened the door it was like a kick to the stomach when she saw he hadn't moved. "Nothing?" She asked. Amy shook her head.
"Dr Porter will be here in half an hour, I've paged him for you."
Amy left and Kate resumed her usual spot by Tom's side. Why aren't you awake? What's wrong that you're not waking up?
She picked up his hand again, rubbing her cheek on his warm soft skin. She looked at his face, so peaceful and still, his chest rising and falling. His collarbones, sternum and ribs so clearly visible under his skin she thought she could see his heart beating. Illness had certainly taken its toll on his already lean body, he looked weak and frail. Resting her cheek back on his hand she said softly, "please wake up Tom. You're scaring me." Hot tears began to fall from her eyes on to the bed, her shirt and his hand, and she wiped them away. "Just open your eyes, baby. Please. I just need to know you're in there."
Kate was still wiping her face when Dr Porter opened the door, followed by Amy. "Still no response?" Kate shook her head and more tears escaped her eyes. "Get another CT and EEG and repeat yesterday's bloods, please." Amy nodded and left while Dr Porter did some examinations. "It's not time to worry yet, Kate. Some times it just takes a little longer. We're going to do some more tests to be safe." Kate nodded and waited until he had closed the door before putting her head back down on the bed and sobbing quietly.
"Please, baby. Please wake up. You promised to fight. Please. I love you so much." She whispered.

As long as we both shall live [Tom Hiddleston]{EBT book 3 of 4}Where stories live. Discover now