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I'm coming to meet you in Vegas, I'm on my way to the airport. Don't talk to anyone until I get there.
Kate dialled Luke's number. "What?" He snapped.
"Firstly, I can explain, it was innocent and I've done nothing wrong. Secondly, you don't need to come here, you need to stay with Tom. And thirdly, what did you tell him?"
"I can cover the first two: even if it was innocent, and it doesn't look like it, you fucked up, Kate. As your publicist, and Tom's, it is now my job to minimise the damage. To both of you. I didn't tell him anything, he was only half awake when I left and I said I'd be back this afternoon. Declan is going to check on him in a couple of hours."
"Fuck, Luke."
"That's pretty much was I said. What the hell were you thinking?"
"OK, the dancing, the posing, that was harmless fun. We were having a laugh, it's nothing we don't do on stage. Tom has seen it. The kiss was forced upon me, I have a bruise to prove it, and if anyone bothered to post photos of the aftermath they'd see he came away much worse off than I did. I have a mean knee apparently."
"Wait, he hurt you?"
"He was wasted and a bit more forceful than he should have been, he had me pinned against the bar."
"Christ, Kate. Tom is going to lose it."
"And to clarify about the ring, it was hanging around my neck. I put it there because my hand was a little swollen after the gig. It's been a while since I played for that long."
"OK, I need to meet with you, Ed and Adam as soon as I get to the hotel. I assume Ed is going to find a new drummer?"
"Ah, I told him that wasn't necessary."
"Well untell him. It is necessary. I'll be there in a bit over four hours, be camera ready just in case."
"Wait, Luke. What am I going to tell Tom?"
"I don't know, Kate. My job doesn't cover your relationship. Go easy though, he's broken up enough as it is, he doesn't need any more stress."

Kate went back to Ed and the boys and sat down next to Ed. "Luke is on his way to Vegas, he wants a meeting with us and Adam." She said quietly.
"Adam has offered to resign and I think maybe we should let him. It will add credibility to what happened."
"There has to be another way. Can't we fine him or discipline him or something? Luke wants him gone."
"Let me think about it and talk to him about it. He's really cut up about it, he had no idea it would blow up like this."
"Who else saw it? Like the whole thing?"
"Me, maybe a couple of other people. Why?"
"Because I bet there's video of me kneeing him. But that doesn't make a good story."
"The barman! He drew my attention to you, he was standing behind you. I'll see if I can get him to make a proper statement."
Ed walked off, phone in hand. Kate sent a text to Tom: are you awake? His reply came much faster than she expected. I am now. Kate pressed the call button immediately, hoping to get it over with.
"Hi," he said sleepily. "What's up?" He doesn't know. It's going to kill him and he has no idea. Oh it's good to hear his voice, even when he sounds so tired.
"I have to tell you something. I need you to trust me and know that I would never intentionally hurt you."
"This is related to Luke taking off in a hurry, isn't it?"
"Yes," she gulped. "Tom, there's photos of me from last night. I went out drinking with the boys. It's not what it looks like."
"OK. Tell me what happened."
"There's some of Ed and I. They shouldn't worry you, they're innocent and nothing you haven't seen before. There were some fans of his and yours there with cameras. You know how it is."
"Is that it?"
"No. Adam... well he had too much to drink, and he kissed me. I tried to say no, and I tried to push him off... but you've seen the size of him. He ended up with a knee in his groin, but of course the photos of that haven't been published everywhere."
To Kate's utter surprise, Tom laughed. "Well he won't mess with my... he won't mess with fiery Kate again, will he?"
"No, he won't." She chuckled softly. "He's so sorry. He thought we had... well he thought I wanted him to. He noticed I wasn't wearing my ring and-"
"You're not wearing it?" He choked.
"No, I am, just not on my finger. Not last night. After the gig my hand swelled a bit, I'm out of practice playing keys that long and my wrist was aching. Anyway I took it off and out it on my necklace instead because it was so tight on my finger."
"Um, ok. I'm glad you called. I do trust you, Kate."
"I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I have to go, our flight is boarding."
"It was good to hear it from you, thank you. I'll talk to you soon, I hope."

Kate fidgeted for the entire short flight to Vegas, all the way to the hotel, and while they sat in a small conference room waiting for Luke.
"Kate! For the love of god would you sit still?" Ed snapped. She folded her legs and tried her best. When Luke arrived he gave Kate a hostile look and sat down.
"You spoke to Tom," Kate knew it wasn't a question, and nodded. "He's hurt Kate, he didn't need this."
Tears stung her eyes. She had thought she'd cleared the air with him and he was OK. "This wasn't supposed to happen." She said softly.
"I know. But it did, and we need to fix it. So-"
"Before you say anything, we have some extra information." Ed interrupted. "The barman, I spoke to him and he's writing a statement now. He saw the entire thing, and called me over to help. There will be footage of how it ended, and Adam has agreed to make a public apology."
"Wow. You guys have been busy. You willing to do it on camera?"
"Yes. At the gig tonight, too, if that will help."
"I think that will work. I need to speak to Kate alone, please." The others left and Kate started to fidget again. She was in trouble. Luke sighed loudly. "You have to be more careful. No more public shenanigans. If you want to fool around, do it somewhere private. Got it?" She nodded.
"That won't be happening again, Luke. I'm really sorry."
"As Tom's publicist, I should be tearing you a new one. That was careless and stupid and you have to think about his reputation now, too. That's what happens when you get involved with someone like Tom, you take on some responsibility for their career and their image. You could have seriously threatened that for him, and he'd probably forgive you. I wouldn't." Kate was starting to feel like a child in trouble with the principal. She looked down at the floor and nodded.
"And as his friend: if you were to actually cheat on him, public or not, so help me god, Kate, he's been through enough!"
"Luke I'm sorry," tears tumbled down her cheeks. "I wouldn't do that, you know I wouldn't. Please make him understand how sorry I am, when I spoke to him I thought he was OK."
"That was before he saw it."
"How do I fix this?"
Luke sighed again and squeezed Kate's shoulders. "I don't know. But you're my friend too, remember that. And I want you two to work it out. He'll get over it, it's just going to take some time. I'll write a statement and then I have to get back to him." He pulled her in to a hug. "Don't do that again, please?"
"I won't. Keep me updated?"
"I will."

As long as we both shall live [Tom Hiddleston]{EBT book 3 of 4}Where stories live. Discover now