Windsor knot

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"Luke, it's Kate."

"How is he?"

"Improving slowly. They're going to try getting him up today. He wants to talk to you so I'm going to put you on speaker." Kate put the phone down on the bed between them.

"Hi Luke,"

"Hey sleeping beauty."

"He hehe. I need to work out what's going to happen with filming. But first, I want to work out how we get Kate back on tour."

"What? No, Tom, I-"

"They actually have a bit of a break now for another four days, then Phoenix, Vegas, LA,"

"Could you let Ed know she'll be ready for Phoenix?"

"Hello?!" Kate yelled, regretting it when Tom winced. "I'm standing right here? And I can make my own decisions."

"OK. Look at it this way. I need a deadline, and getting me back to work is weeks away. I'm too impatient for that and you know it. You saying you'll meet them in Phoenix gives me something to work towards. Four days and I need to be able to look after myself. I can do that."

"You won't have to," Luke interjected. "I'm coming over there, I fly in tomorrow evening."

"See? Sorted."

Kate's mouth gaped, not quite knowing what to say. "I hate it when you two agree." she sulked.

"OK, now that's decided. I need to get back to filming, I need to know if we can still wrap before Christmas."

"That's a big ask, Tom."

"I know that. But the pace we were working at was quite slow, I think it's doable. Especially since they've carried on without me."

"The doctor just gave you specific instructions not to-"

"I won't push too hard. Luke could you speak to them and find out what the plan is? I still can't really think straight."

"OK I'll do that now. If you could still wrap before Christmas then it won't affect anything else at least."


"Luke, the doctor has just told him not to overdo it, he needs to-"

"Rest. I know, Kate. And I'll be there and make sure he does. And then you can be there and make sure he does. But the film won't make itself."

"Thanks Luke. I'll see you tomorrow."

"You will. Bye Kate."

"Did I mention how I hate it when you agree?" she rolled her eyes. "See you tomorrow."

Kate hung up the phone and frowned at Tom. "What?" he asked innocently.

"Ugh you're not even worth arguing with, I might hurt your head."

Tom had the audacity to laugh. "I'm sorry, darling. You're not just a little bit excited to go back?"

"I feel better knowing Luke is going to be here. But I know he's wrapped around your little finger as well. Promise me that you will rest, and you will not work too hard while I'm gone."

"I promise. Define too hard..."

"Good to see your sense of humour making a return, Hiddleston." There was a soft knock at the door and it opened gently, revealing a very fit looking man in his early twenties with short blonde hair. Kate guessed he was the physio.

"Hi, Tom. I'm Jackson, your physiotherapist."

Kate introduced, and then excused, herself and went down to get a coffee.

When she returned she peeked through the window and Tom gestured for her to come in. He was sitting upright on the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor, and by the time she opened the door he was standing up.

"This is progress!" Kate said, smiling.

"The last time it took me this much effort to stand up I think I was about 6 months old," Tom said. "Or intoxicated." Kate could tell from his tone he was feeling frustrated with himself.

"You'll be surprised how quick it will come back though," Jackson said. "It's just your balance is affected. You won't be this weak for very long."

Tom leaned heavily over the bed as his body was overtaken by coughing. It hurt Kate's chest just watching him, and it took a few seconds for him to catch his breath.

Jackson looked at Kate. "Because he's been laying down, sedated, on breathing support, his lungs have filled up with crap. Unfortunately now that he's able to sit up and we're trying to drain it out, that cough is going to get worse before it gets better," he explained. She remembered Dr Porter saying the same thing, and wasn't sure how much worse it could get.

"So," he turned back to Tom. "No walking further than the door, don't do anything quick or sudden. Take it slow or you'll end up flat on your face. The exercises I showed you need to be done every hour during the day and you can do them if you're up at night as well, it will help clear your lungs more quickly. Any questions."

"No. Thank you." Tom sounded a little shorter than usual.

"I know you're frustrated, you're impatient and you want to get better as quickly as possible. It will come, it's a marathon not a sprint. One thing at a time. Because your brain is still inflamed and still healing we need to go a little bit slower, if you flare it up again we're back to square one."

"I understand. Thanks, Jackson."

He left and closed the door, and Tom leaned over the bed, his face in his hands. Kate stood behind him and tried to turn him around, but he pushed her away. "Don't. I'll probably just fall over and take you with me."


"I just need to sit back down, Kate."

"OK," she sat back in the chair while he got back on to the bed. She looked up at his face and could see his cheeks were wet and he was sweating. "Tom, what's wrong?"

"How am I supposed to go home, or go back to the set, when I can't even fucking stand by myself." She got up on the bed next to him and sat facing him, trying to see his face. He turned away from her.

"Hey," She put a hand on his leg.

"I don't know how you can stand to look at me. Weak, sick, frail. What kind of husband will I be if I can't walk down the aisle with you?" he wiped his face angrily.

"Listen to me, Thomas. You will be able to walk by then. If I know you, you'll be able to walk by tomorrow. Don't you ever dare to think that I wouldn't love you or want to look at you because you're sick. And yes, Tom, you're sick. Get used to it, you will be for a while. But you will get back to being yourself, and I'll still be there when you do. There's a reason wedding vows mention worse and sickness, not just better and health. Push me away all you like, I'm not going anywhere. Got it?"

He grunted at the wall and Kate wanted to slap him.

"Tom? Look at me." After a few moments he turned to her and she wiped the tears from his face. "I love you. In sickness and in health."

"I love you too," he sighed. "I'm sorry. I hate this."

"I know. Believe me, I understand. Remember?" she held up her wrist, reminding him of the horse riding accident that had her laid up for weeks and unable to play properly for months. He nodded and reached for her, pulling her close against his chest. "I'll help you if you want to try again?"
"I don't want to fall and hurt you,"
"Tom, I reckon I weigh a few kilos more than you right now. I'm good."

As long as we both shall live [Tom Hiddleston]{EBT book 3 of 4}Where stories live. Discover now