They Don't Know: Draco X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Muggleborn

Happens: Throughout Hogwarts

Warnings: Mentions of War

Posted on: 08/11/2022

I board the train with my friends all of us laughing and telling jokes. We are quite rowdy, especially with the twins hanging around us currently.

"Okay, Okay, Why did the bunny go to the party?" I ask telling another joke I learned over the summer.

"I'm not sure why did it Y/n?" Harry asks sarcastically.

"The... party... was... HOPPIN," I say laughing in between each word.

"Your jokes are dorky Y/n," Hermione says and I shrug.

"Hey at least they are funny," I say sticking my tongue out at her jokingly. Everyone nods in agreement and we make our way to a cabin that will fit six people. We find one in the back and all enter sitting down still telling jokes and laughing.

"Will you guys shut it?" Pansy says opening the door and glaring at us.

"Awe are we on pug faces nerves?" I ask with a smirk of amusement.

"Not just mine but everyone back here, including Draco and Blaise," She says and I laugh.

"Oooo so scary. Please leave, so we can continue talking and ignoring you and your little boyfriends" I say holding in a laugh.

"I only have one boyfriend and that's Draco," Pansy says and I look at her unamused.

"Yeah sure whatever, now shoo," I say while moving my hands like I'm shooing her away physically.

"Uh whatever stupid Gryffindors I swear," She says closing the door and walking away.

"Anyways like I was saying..." I say and the conversation picks right back up where it ended.

Sorting for the first years went by fast along with the day. Soon it was almost curfew and I find myself up at the astronomy tower waiting for someone like I have done every night since the middle of my first year. I stand looking out onto the grounds when I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist. Not bothering to look since I know who it is, I decided to lean back into the embrace.

"Where are we annoying on the train?" I ask and I hear a chuckle and the person's head shakes against my back saying no. "I didn't think so, so it was only Pansy that was annoyed?" I ask for confirmation.

"Yes Blaise and I couldn't even hear you, to be honest," The person says as I turn around and look at them finally.

"I figured just wanted to make sure, she also said you were dating again," I say and they laugh loudly. I quickly cover their mouth laughing quietly myself. "Shhh, we'll get caught if you are too loud Draco!" I say and he smiles. I slowly move my hand and suddenly he pushes me against the railing capturing my lips in his. We pull apart after a few minutes and I smile. "I missed you too," I say and Draco smiles and leans his forehead against mine.

"I love you Y/n so much, I wish we didn't have to hide like this." He says quietly and I look at him stunned.

"You were the one who said it had to happen, Just say the word and I will announce my love for you to everyone and everything that'll listen," I say softly and he smiles kissing me one more time.

"I would love that but-" He says

"We can't because of the potential backlash of your parents. I know" I say and he smiles hugging me close.

"Once I'm out of that house I'll be yours to show off forever," He says and I smile nodding.


The school year goes on and soon it's summer, Draco and I meet at our spot one last time before separating for the time away. I kiss him one last time before we exit the tower and head to our spots with our friends.

"Y/n where were you?" Ron asks and I smile,

"Just forgot this," I say holding up a bandana I brought to seem nonsuspicious. He nods and we walk to the train. Once at kings cross station I hop off going to my parents and smiling telling them all about my time at Hogwarts. This routine continued until it couldn't anymore. Eventually, it was very clear to see that war was coming and everyone was preparing for it now.

*Time skip*

I lean against the wall to catch my breath, We've been fighting for what seems like hours. I hear a scream and rush over to see a couple of third-years being cornered by a death eater. I slide in front of them and point my wand casting a spell to confuse them as I grab the hands of the third years and make a run for it. I make sure they become safe and go back to fighting. Eventually, we all end up in front of the castle I'm standing in between Draco and Hermione. When Voldemort announces Harry is dead. Ginny screams in terror and has to be held back by her dad. I glance over at Draco not knowing what I'd do if he died. Suddenly Draco is beckoned over to their side and before he can even move an inch I grab his arm. He glances at me and then back at them. I look at him with determination silently saying I'll protect him. He nods and stands by me, I look at him then back at the group of death eaters.

"Draco is staying here, and there is nothing you can do to stop him," I say letting go of Draco and stepping forward.

"Stupid girl, who even are you?" Voldemort says and I raise my wand looking at him sternly.

"I am Y/n L/n and I will avenge my friend, Even if it kills me," I say Raising my wand and pointing it at Voldemort. Voldemort goes to cast a spell but I block it. This goes on for a few minutes until I notice Harry breathing still. I smile and continue to distract Voldemort. Draco mustve noticed what I was looking at.

"Potter help her!" He screams and suddenly Harry rolls out of Hagrid's arms. Draco throws him his wand and Harry is then running distracting Voldemort as I continue to cast spells towards him. Harry and I eventually end up next top each other, I smile and continue to throw spell after spell distracting Voldemort. Suddenly Harry and Voldemort are battling each other, I'm then pulled back and brought into someone's embrace. I become startled and go to lash out until I smell peppermint and a cologne I know all too well. I look up to see a teary-eyed Draco and I smile at him. "I'm fine, I'm here," I say hugging him. Suddenly a bright light is shown gathering everyone's attention. I turn and see Voldemort laying in a heap on the floor. I look at Harry and everyone cheers. The Death eaters all looked in shock.  I smirk and grab Draco's hand running to Harry. "You did it!" I yell happily and he smiles. Eventually, It's just Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, and I outside. Harry grabs the elder wand and snaps it in half so no one can use it ever again. Suddenly my three friends look at Draco and then me. I know what's coming so I just turn and hold Draco's face. Colliding our lips together, We kiss for a few seconds before I look at them. "Middle of the First year," I say and they all look at me astonished. I shrug and walk into the castle holding Draco's hand. The end of the war was here and I look at everyone who passed during it. I look around and see the Weasleys. I get worried and walk over letting go of Draco's hand. I see all of them hugging Fred whose leg looks like it was injured badly. I smile at the twins and Draco comes behind me. I look at him and nod. He looks at the Weasleys and apologizes for his and his family's actions. Molly takes him into a hug and says something about him only following what his parents taught him. Along with how he redeemed himself by helping Harry and me. I laugh and grab his hand once they pull apart.

"You're one of us now," I say smiling.


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