A One-Year Anniversary Gift (Please Read First)

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A/N: So... This is it. My one-year anniversary and summer project is finally done. Well, the first part of it, at least. Worked my ass off for the entire summer. It will continue to be updated, but unlike other stories that I've created in the past, this will have multiple chapters that will be published at the same time, but updates are unknown and will become time consuming. It may be a bit cringey, since this story is a hybrid between lore and gameplay, but I did what I could for everyone who loves Elden Ring.

What was the Inspiration of this Story?

A/N: When searching for an Elden Ring story that talks about dragons, almost nobody made one about them. The most obvious reasons for the creation of most Elden Ring stories is either the inspiration of the anime, Overlord, but mainly the most beloved female NPC's in the game, such as Melina and Ranni.

A/N: However, since I'm a Dragon Communion and Cult main, a huge fan of dragons, and learned the lore behind them, might as well make a story about it. As the story goes on from The Beginning, maidens and waifus will not only be one of the main roles of Dragon Amongst Men, but that goes the same for the dragons in Elden Ring. No matter what kind of dragon appears in the story, I know for sure it will signify something in the future. Therefore, this will be the first Elden Ring story that is dragon related.

A/N: Before everyone reads the story I created for a whole summer in 2022, please read the following notes below first.


- Please do not judge or bring hate to anything you read or see in this story. Be respectful to my work.

- All of the images, videos, references, etc. that's used in this story belong to the original owner, so credits belong to them.

- Elden Ring lore may be lacking or incorrect in the story. Apologies if you notice anything wrong.

- Some scenes may be dull, but will grow more thrilling and exciting later on.

- Chapter lengths may alter. Most are actually long, with some being like 8000 words.

- Will become one of my first stories who will have unique plot that doesn't follow up anime or video game plot, meaning it will be very different from how the player beats Elden Ring.

- Story will focus on a lot of NPC's, both underrated and beloved characters.

- Almost every scene in the story is based on true gameplay in Elden Ring, except some scenes are a bit different from the original. It's highly recommended to watch Elden Ring YouTubers or streamers who have played the game to get a better understanding, especially for different questlines.

- Some scenes is based on different mythology, like Chinese, Japanese, Celtic, and possibly Norse.

- Any lacking information of a chapter will be saved as a deleted/forgotten scene, a separate chapter, or for the next part of the story.

- Any mysteries or questionable discoveries that will be found can become solved as the story continues on.

- Any minor mistakes that are discovered by readers will immediately be fixed.

- There's a misspelling of the word "uchigatana", which is "ugigatana". I attempted to fix this misspelling, but since I have to go over the entire story again, might as well leave it be. For now, just ignore it. It'll be fixed eventually. Apologies for not realizing it sooner.

- Story will also focus on a lot of bosses, from mini-bosses to legend and demigod bosses.

Very Important: The story will have a harem, but unlike other stories I've created, this story will NOT literally be a harem fanfic, meaning there's no romantic scenes or lemons.

Similarities and Different From Elden Ring (Mostly Differences)

- Protagonist respawns at site of grace last visited.

- Protagonist will still be able to retrieve rewards and runes from slain bosses and carry a large amount of items.

- New items that will be discovered will have the name revealed to the protagonist.

- Protagonist's game stats will be visible to a specific someone.

- Golden mist for boss rooms won't exist.

- Talisman pouches and Memory Stones will not be required in this story.

(Note: Talisman Pouches are used for storing a variety of different talismans, while Memory Stones are like Talisman Pouches, but are used for spells and incantations instead.)

- NPC's will be explaining to the protagonist about some advice in the Lands Between, rather than the protagonist learning by himself. The description for items will not be visible to the protagonist, as well.

- Doesn't focus on the damage dealt on enemies or the protagonist, like how much of the boss' health is taken away.

- Any ally can become healed in the story if they are near a site of grace and are able to resummon enemies.

- Some scenes will be different from Elden Ring, but we're created on purpose. Like something non-soulsborne related has been added to the story.

Key Notes When Reading

()- Thoughts, emotion, music scene
B- Time skip, flashback, new location, Narrator speaking
/- Different dialogue
-= Pause
"- Messages
Italicized- New Item/Items

A/N: With that out of the way, I hope all of you enjoy the first part of the story!

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