Chapter 14 - Shopping Spree

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"And.... Sold!"

Who knew that mining would give him so much experience? It's as if the system admins made it easy for him to buy everything he could ever want and need.

Technoblade had the [Simultaneous Crafting], [Shop Search], [Recipe Filter] and [Steel Forge] skills.

The unique skill [Steel Forge] was something Technoblade did not find under his shop or quest list. If anything, it was akin to an Aftercraft secret skill that allows the user to create an iron armour using a blast furnace that gives the armour a higher defence stat without changing the rarity.

Oh, how he needed that in preparation for his battle against monsters in this game. However, that was not the only thing Technoblade did.

"Where was that sheep I saw previously?" he asked himself.

Armed with enough food, a new piece of harvest wheat using his stone hoe and new iron tools - namely a pair of shears, Technoblade retraced his steps back to the flower biome he spawned in with that derpy-looking sheep.

As he made his way out of the spruce forest and away from the mountain, Technoblade came across the meadow with a river. He didn't know if it was the same place he caught those salmon. However, it did not stop him from taking a dip in the water to check his luck.

The river water was clear, and Technoblade kept an eye on his oxygen meter as he swam. Oh, how he missed having respiration and aqua affinity now. Swimming was a lovely recreational activity in Aftercraft, but the need to surface often killed the vibe.

Nevertheless, Technoblade murdered school after school of salmons. He had more than enough breakfast by now, and his [Simultaneous Crafting] Skill was put to constant work while he was at it. That was multitasking at its finest, and Technoblade could not be prouder of himself for the productivity.

[Quest [Sheild and Weild] is completed.]

[Quest [Iron Man] is completed.]

Crafting his shield and a full set of iron armour using the reinforced iron from the blast furnace helped Technoblade complete two of the basic quests. The rewards weren't much, but he accepted them anyway. The shield crafting quest gave him a new skill option called [Block], which he could level up by holding a shield during combat. Crafting a full set of iron armour gave Technoblade a new skill option called [Defence]. These were rather self-explanatory, and he could grind for in the future.

Deciding that he caught enough future breakfast with some bonus bone meal, Technoblade decided to get onto land. The plains biome was huge, and he could no longer see the mountain in the distance.

"Oh well," he shrugged. "Sometimes getting lost is all part of the exploration."

On the bright side, he saw a flock of sheep grazing in the meadow and munching on grass. That was exactly what he needed!

"Come here, sheep! I have need of your wool."

Unafraid of strange pig-man strangers, the derpy sheep continue munching their fill while Technoblade clipped the excess wool from their backs in a totally non-creepy manner. With way too many pieces of wool and a setting sun, Technoblade bad the sheep goodbye after contemplating murder once more.

"You live for today," he told them. "I'll be back."

Parting amicably, Technoblade ran in a direction his gut feelings pointed out. He had enough wooden logs and cobblestone in his inventory to stack upwards if he ever needed to in the middle of the night. Wearing full iron armour and a shield, Technoblade's only concern was the stamina he required to last all night.

Nervously, Technoblade ran with a shield in his hand. The stamina was draining steadily, and no mountain was in sight yet. At the same time, he munched on Juicy Berries as if his life depended on them. Even with a constantly full hunger bar, the fatigue accumulation did not stop. He might not be able to make it back to his base on time.

"Come on," he urged the crafting workshop. "How difficult is it to make a bed?"

The recipe for a bed in Aftercraft was the same as in Minecraft. He could probably assemble IKEA beds faster than the crafting workshop made one for him!

"Did you not give your minions any DIY instruction manual? How difficult is it to assemble three pieces of wood and slap on some wool?"

Even after complaining, the countdown timer still showed Technoblade thirty minutes. He could understand the time for the furnace. Building a furnace by hand would take that much time. However, an Idea DIY bed where parts only needed to be slapped on would never take this long, right?

His complaints fell on deaf ears, and there was nothing the mighty God of Blood could do except await his foes as the moon rose.

As darkness fell, Technoblade studied his surroundings. He soon ran into a birch forest biome, telling him he was probably lost. It was a sign to turn back to the plains biome and start running in the opposite direction.

However, the monsters that appeared were slightly different. As he was wearing iron armour and had a shield with him, Technoblade saw more familiar sights.

There were spiders, skeletons and creepers in addition to zombies. However, that was about it. He did not see ender men or witches, which was probably good. He had enough on his to-do list without them.

Making a u-turn, Technoblade headed back into the meadows and dodged all the arrows from skeleton archers. They had terrible aiming, and Technoblade swore that he would demonstrate the art of sniping when he had his bow.

As creepers sizzled behind him, Technoblade kept his eyes trained forward. He recognised the river and started to follow it. As long as he remained within the plains biome following the water, he should eventually come across the spruce forest and mountain.

True to his strategy, the mountains soon appeared. Technoblade might have taken some arrows to his arm, but the injury was superficial. Nothing could dampen his joy of getting back to safety.

The familiar sight of deforestation greeted him as Technoblade found his ugly mountainside base. The array of trapdoors helped to keep the stalking zombies out, and Technoblade started digging out a spot deeper into his base to prepare for a good night's sleep away from stinking corpses.

Ten minutes later, the crafting workshop finally figured out how to assemble his bed, and Technoblade quickly set the furniture onto the stone floor. Without hesitation, he dive-bombed into the surprisingly solid wood and fell unconscious.

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