Chapter 31 - Adam and Eve

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He had all the sand and clay he ever needed in Aftercraft. Technoblade meticulously collected everything he could need from the swamp, including oak wood, oak saplings, vine, lily pads, slime balls and rare flowers. The swamp might be gloomy, but it was full of amazing resources that this mountain range did not have.

Now that Carl was well fed in the safety of his walls, Technoblade wondered what he should do.

He had the means to start a village after receiving a permit to start a new civilisation. He had two villager souls to create his very own Adam and Eve. However, he had a problem.

Technoblade did not know where he should create the new village. He did not want to live in the same house as the first couple in Aftercraft tasked to repopulate the world. Not only would it feel awkward and inappropriate, but Technoblade's virgin ears would also be defiled in the most tragic manner.

"I could build it within the walls on the other end, but there could be a very rapid population boom that I will not be able to cope with," Technoblade studied the map in his mountain mansion. Yes, he made a new room just for the town planning business because he was procrastinating.

Birthing villagers in Aftercraft was easy. The system admin designed them to be similar to plants. All Technoblade had to do was toss them in water, and they would magically spawn as adults. However, upon materialising, Technoblade understood that they would immediately become societal burdens.

He did not like the human race a lot for various reasons. The lack of education and maturity had to be one of the reasons, but most importantly, many people were too unwilling to progress in life. Complacency and self-entitlement were the main issues, and Technoblade wondered how he could stamp that out in his village.

"As mayor of a new town, do I have any say over how they behave?"

Consulting his system, Technoblade went through the quest trees again. The system admin updated the detailed guidebook, and Technoblade spent the last few days pouring through the tome. He needed answers, not suggestions.

How did the villager mechanic work anyway? Would it be similar to Minecraft, where they had schedules and jobs, or would they be similar to players?

The introduction guide to villagers made Technoblade blush so hard that he had to take a break and harvest his wheat before continuing. It sounded like a teenage female love story unfolding before his eyes with how the system admin adopted a storytelling method of describing the union of man and woman. However, the answer was clear.

Villagers in Aftercraft were similar to Minecraft. They had jobs and could start families. Technoblade did his best to ignore the incest concept, but it was still disturbing to think about future generations.

"Villagers can be differentiated by their clothing colours when they become adults. Females will wear red, and males will wear green. Villagers who are incapable of increasing the population will wear brown and can be assigned jobs based on their character status. Villager training is possible, and the job variety depends on the mayor's level?"

Alright, this looked more like a kingdom management game than a sandbox survival. Why was Aftercraft so complex?

In short, these villagers were similar to NPCs and could not talk. They only acted according to Aftercraft's AI or Technoblade's commands. It was disappointing. However, Technoblade did not remain disheartened for long. After studying the Town Management tab, he understood how to make the village a prosperous city.

It would take time, but once he managed to train a single villager to take over his mayor position as an apprentice, he could leave town management in their hands.

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