Chapter 15 - Barn It!

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Despite the hard landing on the surprisingly uncomfortable bed, Technoblade woke up without a crick in his neck. If anything, he felt well rested and ready to take on a new day in Aftercraft.

The zombies, skeletons and creepers from the previous night disappeared without a trace, and Technoblade decided that he would remove his armour to work on the farm with a single hoe.

Yes, he was going to make a farm after all.

"But first, a bucket."

All his smelted iron was reinforced, so Technoblade made a bucket using the reinforced iron ingots. It still made a regular bucket, so Technoblade rolled his eyes at that. It wasn't as if he could wear a bucket on his head now, could he?


With the new bucket in his hand, Technoblade tried to equip it, and strangely enough, Aftercraft allowed him to equip a bucket for no real reason. His vision went dark as the iron bucket covered his head and replaced the iron helmet.

"Why is this even possible?"

Indeed, he could wear a bucket on his head. There wasn't any real purpose, but the function puzzled Technoblade terribly. Yet, it gave him a strange hope that the salmon burger he wanted to create might be a possibility.

Filling his bucket with water, Technoblade noticed his giant Christmas Trees were ready for chopping.

"That's perfect," he grinned and switched the bucket for an axe.

The [Tree Felling] ability was so useful that Technoblade wished he made more space growing more trees. However, he got more spruce saplings to start the spruce farms of his dreams.

Replanting what he chopped, Technoblade looked at the bone meal he had in the inventory. Maybe it was better to farm trees for a while before he started on that farm. He needed seven more pieces of wheat to complete the quest, and he only had six bone meals in his inventory from killing fish. The skeletons did not drop any loot, and Technoblade frowned.

Should he waste bonemeal growing trees or spend them treating more farmland and waiting for the wheat to grow? He didn't really need a bucket at this point, but Technoblade wanted a comfortable life. Vegetarian options were too bland for his palate.

"Barn it!" he cussed. "Wheat it shall be."

Yes, he was going to spend all those precious bone meals on producing wheat because he wanted to lure animals and breed them for their meat.

With the new bucket in one hand and a hoe in another, Technoblade picked a good spot and made the classic crop square with a single water source in the middle. Then, he covered that water with a trapdoor and added torches around so the wheat could grow even while he slept. It might be a slow start, but it was better than wasting a bone meal on a pay-to-win strategy when he was so broke. It was probably a good idea to think of new ways to farm bone meal while he was at it.

Once he treated six farmland with bone meal and added the seeds, Technoblade chopped down another newly grown Christmas Tree and expanded his tree farming area. At the same time, he placed several orders with the crafting workshop.

"Fence gates, carpets, stairs, fences and more torches. I think that's everything I need to make a small animal pen."

Trapping animals wasn't his thing, but food was food, and Technoblade refused to do anything half-baked. He wanted an effective automated farm even if entity cramming was not a feature in Aftercraft.

It was a simple farm design, and Technoblade had plenty of cobblestones. Nobody was around to judge his aesthetically lacking builds, so he went all out on the ugliest building block available.

"Oh, right. I forgot to test how many blocks water flows for."

Sloshing a bucket down onto the ground far away from his wheat and tree farms, Technoblade raised a brow when the water did not sweep him away as it would have in Minecraft. That's something useful to know. However, it was still difficult for him to waddle against the 'current' of the water he placed down.

"It flows eight blocks like it would in Minecraft," the Potato Lord concluded. "What was I expecting?"

With the most important detail confirmed, Technoblade hummed and placed another order for a new bed to be crafted. He was too lazy to run back to his mining base to sleep while building this breeding station. Technoblade had no problems eating pork, mutton or beef. He loved his chicken, but the chicken farm had to be built differently. There were no redstones, meaning he could only do this using the traditional method comprising water, fences and slabs.

Technoblade built the farm three storeys high simply because going vertical meant he could save on replicating the same butchering station three times. Sure, he had several close calls building it, but the MLG water bucket trick saved him from breaking his ankle several times. It soon became a favourite thing to do.


Landing in that one block of water without sustaining damage or soggy shoes had to be the greatest feeling. Although he wasn't the type of kid willing to jump off a diving board more than two feet of the ground level, it was different when it came to Aftercraft. Technoblade was a fearless warrior who jumped off cliffs with only a bucket or boat.

After creating the infinite water pool, Technoblade found it so much fun to climb up the ladders at the side and jump off the completed farm level whenever he needed a water refill. Using only one bucket was inconvenient in Minecraft, but in Aftercraft, it was simply an excuse for Technoblade to catch up on his missed summer vacation pool activities.

The three platforms were built quickly, and Tecnoblade added the fences. He created a small temporary stairway for animals he intended to lure into his trap and quickly got to digging a trench below.

If pigs were the same in Aftercraft as Minecraft, Technoblade's half-slab killing chamber via suffocation might not work. However, those were simply minor inconveniences. If it failed, he could always butcher them by hand or sword.

Time passed quickly when Technoblade was having fun. Thankfully, he did not need to wait for the bed to be crafted this time. Technoblade simply tossed the bed in his inventory down and climbed up to the third level of his farm just as the moon rose. Diving into beds from the third floor sounded like any kid's fantasy. Who was Technoblade to walk away from such an opportunity?

"Incominnnngggg!" he yelled and aimed straight for the bed.

Landing with precise accuracy, Technoblade was pulled to another dreamless sleep.


AN: Would you dive bomb a bed from the third floor if there were no repercussions?

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