Joining the combat force

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Sam Pov.

A young man walks around the streets of Blackburn Village

Sam: I can't believe i have finally been allowed to join the combat force. I'm so exited

Sam arrives at the combat force's base

Guard 1: Name and registration 

Sam: Sam Ryker, I am here for my first day of training at the combat force

Guard 2: A scrub like you in the combat force? Don't make me laugh kid, you wouldnt survive 2 minutes on the job 

Guard 1: Do you even have chi or are you just one of those normal people

Sam: Chi? What is chi?

Guard 2: Oh hell this kid doesn't even know what chi is, You really aren't cut out for this then kid

Guard 1: You know kid, ill tell you what chi is. Chi is the energy that flows through all things living or dead, its why some people can have some kind of special power. if you have chi you don't need a weapon its why nobody uses swords or bows anymore 

Sam: B....But i'm pretty skilled with my bow

Guard 1: Oh gosh, Did ya hear that shawn, the kid uses a bow what a loser

Guard 2: Yeah i heard ya bret, What are ya kid,  a sharpshooter 

Both guards: HAHAHAHAH


The guards look stunned but there suprise changes to laughter

Guard 2: Alright kid, lets see what you got then

Guard 2 starts radiating  blue energy, Then he runs at sam punching him in the gut 

Sam: Ngh.......i....i couldn't even react on time

Guard 2: Not bad for a "low ranked soldier" like myself

Guard 1: a whimp like you should never join the force or hell even be alive

Guard 2: Those with no strenght shouldn't even be alive 

???: "Thud"

A drunk man with a cloak and what looks to be a sword walks up to one of the guards

???: Do either of the six of you know where the blackburn motel is?

Guard 1: Don't touch me you drunken fool

Guard 1 pushes the drunken man to the ground

Guard 2: Hey bret looky here, this guy has a sword

Guard 1: Well Well your right, this man is still living in the dark ages

Guard 2: Lets show em why his kind went extinct

Guard 2 tries to strike at the swordsman but he dodges at the last moment 

Sam: How did he

Guard 2: I won't be screwed with by a drunken fool

???: Drunken fool? mate whomever told you i was drunk. i just like fucking with people

The swordsman removes his cloak revealing a red and black striped kimono with a yellow dragon on the back

Guard 1: Holy shit, do you see that shawn

Guard 2: yeah bret i do

Guard 1: He's the dragon of Iron forge Marcus Wixx

Marcus: Waw people still remember my name? thats suprising 

Guard 1: Well it doesn't matter, lets jump em shawn

Marcus: Wait why are we fighting

Guard 2: cuss we can't have people make the force look like a joke

Guard 1: A small bow boy and a bully of a swordsman that won't pass for us mate

Marcus: i see, you attacked me tho

Guard 1: history is writen by the living 

Marcus: Thats true, One sword style: HEAVENLY SLASH

Marcus glides past both guards then closes his sword leaving only a giant cut on both the guards chest. both guards colapse to the floor

Marcus: And that kids is how you deal with bullies 

Sam: You.....You killed them

Marcus: Well yeah they where being pricks, i don't like pricks

???: Look over there, Bret and shawn are dead

???: oh god call somebody get the people who've done this

Marcus: well i guess my time in this town is done, lets go kid

Sam: What i'm not going with you, i dont even know you

Marcus: Well oke, then stay here and either die or get inprisoned 

Sam: On second thought lets go


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