Team A part 2

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Crate Pov

Crate: (crate is walking through sewage system of the castle) God this place is disgusting, i've seen like twelve rats, well atleast i should be close to my personal entrence. oh if only marcus-chan could see me doing something so smart~ (Suddenly a bullet lands right infront of crate's feet) What the hell?! Who's there?! (Suddenly the butler walks out of the shadows)

Butler: I should ask you that, what are you doing down here?

Crate: Oh me i'm just going for a lovely stroll around the castle sewer

Butler: for what purpose exactly?

Crate: why do i need a purpose friendo, can't a man just enjoy the smell of the sewer

Butler: and yet thats not why you're here

Crate: Was it that obvious?

Butler: Yes, i don't think i've ever heard a worse lie in my life

Crate: Well thats sad, i've heard many bad lies 

Butler: I will ask you once again (The butler points his gun towards Crate) Why are you here? 

Crate: I lost my keys, i think i dropped them around here somewhe......(Butler shoots crate in the leg who falls to the ground) GOD DAMMIT THAT HURTS

Butler: Sinds you don't want to tell my why your here i'll just have to kill you

Crate: Fine Fine, i'm here to kill the ocean dragon king....

Butler: You aswel?

Crate: Scuse me?

Butler: Are you also here to kill sitch?

Crate: Are you?

Butler: No no not me, i found a young man who is also here to kill the ocean dragon

Crate: You met sam?

Butler: If you know his name that would mean your his companion 

Crate: Something like that

Butler: Then apologies for shooting you

Crate: Don't worry about it, just get me up the ladder

Butler: no you can do that yourself, wouldn't want to become to friendly with criminals (The butler walks deeper into the sewer)

Crate: What a weird guy, well now how am i going to climb a ladder.........

Sam Pov

Sam: (Sam is walking together with sitch) Soooooo your highness, where exactly are we going?

Sitch: Does it matter sam?

Sam: I guess it doesn't

Sitch:......tell me sam when did you arrive in the ocean city?

Sam: (sam starts sweating) What do you mean arrive?

Sitch: You smell like the outside world which means you weren't born here, so when did you get here?

Sam: oh that, i arrived a few years back 

Sitch: Why

Sam: i just thought this would be a nice place to life.....

Sitch: Hmmm...... you'd risk your life dealing with the god of the ocean just to get to a nice place?

Sam: Isn't that all we are looking for.......sir

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