Escaping the white keep

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Marcus Pov

Marcus: (Marcus puts down khrane) So how exactly is this saving them

Khrane: Saving one of them you mean, it is sadly impossible to save the strong man as he was devoured by a dragon

Marcus: So what exactly are you cutting him open for then?

Khrane: If you most question that then you should probably take a look at the "dragon slayer" (Mako walks over to sams body and notice's that his chest has been stitched back together)

Mako: didn't

Khrane: Oh but i did

Marcus: So what exactly did he do mako?

Mako: (Mako looks at khrane with anger) Take a wild guess marcus!

Marcus:....i hope i'm wrong but you aren't disecting them are you?

Khrane: something like that, its a bit more complicated then that

Marcus: (Marcus grabs khrane by the throat) Then explain it to us!

Khrane: (Marcus throws khrane to the ground) owh....How rude (khrane stands back up) allow me to explain then, you see your little friend nearly died because he used his life force to boost his own chi output, however while i know how to regain life energy this little devil didn't have the body to use such a large amount of energy. So some of his organs got crushed by the force

Mako: Makes sense, chi overdose happens a lot with inexperienced fighters

Khrane: Correct, so to make sure our dragonic friend survives i've had to replace some of his organs with that of the dragons protector

Mako: Tsk so thats why crate was cut open

Khrane: Correct

Marcus: So why is a part of sitch in this room exactly?

Khrane: Hm?....oh you mean the ocean dragon, yes we took the ocean dragon for a very specific experiment

Marcus: What the hell are you on about?

Khrane: FOR YOU SEE, when a dragon king is killed they release something that we call there "royal spirit" which will merge with the killers soul. which is also the only reason why your little friend hasn't died yet

Mako: Get to the point please

Khrane: Right younger generations are so inpatient

Marcus: I'm only a few years younger then you

Khrane: ANYWAY, usually a human can't use the power of royal spirit and they just become a target for dragons that desire to become kings themselves. however your friends body has somehow adapted to the power of royal spirit

Mako: I presume its because of his little amount of chi

Khrane: A interesting theory, however even if his body may be able to merge with royal spirit he won't be able to use the power on his own.....unless we replace certain "parts"

Mako: Scuse me?

Khrane: Well its quite simple really, one half of his organs are from this crate guy but the other half is from the ocean dragon

Marcus: (Marcus and mako look suprised, that suprise quickly turns into anger) You damn basterd, how could you do that to him!

Khrane: Because its time for humanity to evolve again!

Marcus: Will you stop with your boelcrap

Khrane: heh, well i wouldn't expected a patrion of the past to understand

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