Angel and Demon

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Mako Pov

Diego:Hehehe.....HAHAHAHAHA...oh you crack me up angel

Mako: Do i humor you demon?

Diego: You dare say your the strongest while your standing in front of me. truly the sin of pride runs deep in you

Mako: oh please i dare you to find a angel that isn't pridefull

Diego: touché, So any last words angel?

Mako: Nah (Mako runs at diego and hits him with a suprise uppercut) Do you have any last words hm?

Diego: Your quite fast...but not fast enough (Diego punches mako in the stomach so fast that mako gets send flying back into marcus who was just standing back up)

Mako: Thanks buddy...

Marcus: hate you...hate you so much

Mako: (mako stands back up) Guess rushing isn't going to work against you ey

Diego: You learn fast (Diego slowly starts walking towards mako) You know you can still get out of here and let me do what i want, i promise i won't go after you 

Mako: Yeah right, (mako also starts to walk towards diego) Like i'd believe the lies of a demon

Diego: For a angel you sure are dumb, demons can't lie! (Mako and diego now stand infront of each other, stairing each other down) Last chance, get out of my way

Mako:....make me (Diego tries punching mako but mako dodges to the left and then punches diego with his right fist, diego gets stunned by this, mahito then goes for a few more punches to diego who isn't able to dodge because of the speed mako hits diego. mako then hits him with a kick to the stomach which sends diego flying back into a building)

Diego: (Diego wipes some blood off his face) This...This is quite unexpected...However this is quite exiting! (Diego jumps back towards mako, destroying the building he was standing in. he then lands infront of mako and grabs him by the neck) Your coming with me

Mako: I don't think so demon-boy~ (Mako is able to rip off diego's arm, he then puts diego in a full nelson) Ah get out of the legendary full nelson!

Diego: Heh...Holding me like this won't defeat me mongrel, you stand a better chance of defeating me by just punching

Mako: Heh well thanks for the compliment, However we aren't really known for fighting fair

Diego: What?! (Diego looks back infront of him again and sees sam standing there) Hm? and what will you do little man? you don't even have any chi to harm me with!

Sam:...I...I will shoot you! (Sam grabs his bow and shoots a Godly Bolt at diego, right when it almost hits mako lets go and dodges out of the way)

Mako: Have fun diego!

Diego: WHAT! (Diego gets hit by the god bolt which creates a large explosion)

Mako: Well that was easy...Good job sam (Mako starts walking over to sam) Was that shot stronger then usual?

Sam: I...i guess? 

Mako: Well good job little buddy, you just killed your second big bad (mako lightly slaps sam's back) Well lets go and see how marcus is doing (Mako and sam start walking towards marcus when sam gets backhanded into a building) What in the..!

Diego: Your next! (Diego knees mako in the back and then plants his face into the ground) next time you try something like that again make sure its a strong attack

Mako: Mphhmph

Diego: Hm? i didn't quite catch that (diego pulls mako's face out of the ground) 

Mako: I said, last time that attack killed a dragon!

Diego:...You say that like i wouldn't know that, i know everything marcus knows you moron

Mako:...Didn't know....(Diego removes his hand and right when he does mako jumps up and hits diego with a right hook to the face. he then goes for a left hook to the side but diego catches mako's punch, mako then jumps up and kicks diego in the head. diego takes a few steps back but mako doesn't let up as he continues with a barrage of punches. he then ends the barrage with a superkick to the chin which makes diego fall to a knee for a moment) how do you like them apples

Diego: hehe....HAHAHAHAHA

Mako: Oh what now (Mako takes a battle stance)

Diego: oh its been some time sinds i've felt any form of pressure. even in this lesser form it is quite impressive, you should be quite proud of yourself

Mako: Awh thanks buddy~ you aren't half bad yourself

Diego: However this is the end of our fight, with your weak hits you can never hope to defeat me

Mako: Ok i take it back, you suck

Diego: (Diego chops mako's throat, he then punches mako's nose. breaking it, mako tries pushing diego away but he grabs mako's hands, crushing them) do you see the difference in our power now

Mako: A...all i see is that your a jackass

Diego: You never learn (Diego lets go of mako's hands and moves a little to the left, he then kicks mako's right leg breaking it. mako falls to the ground but while he's falling down diego punches him in the face forcing him off of the ground. diego then grabs mako's left leg and starts slaming him into the ground with it. over and over again) HAHAHAHA, come on mongrel kick out of this! (mako doesn't react) Oh now don't tell me you've already kicked the bucket! (diego then throws mako into the air, diego then prepares to punch mako while falling down) Goodbye mongrel, you truly we're the weakest angel i've ever met! (diego is about to hit mako when mako suddenly dissapears from the sky) Where?....Where did he go (Diego looks over to his right to see sam putting mako down, sam then turns around and looks diego in the eyes, around sam's eyes are scales and his eyes have turned as blue as the ocean)


Diego: Now this is interesting...(Diego takes a battle stance) Well then hybrid, lets see what you got (Right when diego finished his scentence sam appears infront of him and uppercuts him into the air, diego spins around in the air for a little bit but he lands back on his feet with no problems) Interesting, it seems like your physical abilities have improved just in a moments notice. colour me suprised

Sam: SHUT IT (Sam rushes at diego and tries to punch him a few times but diego slaps/dodges each punch with little to no effort) Why...WHY CAN'T I SUDDENLY HIT YOU?!

Diego: I don't know why you feel like asking me that, after all your the one who is holding back

Sam: N...No i'm not!

???: Yes you are

Sam: (Sam turns around right when the voice appeared, but sam sees nothing) Wha....what is going on (Diego kicks sam in his popliteal making him fall to his knee) Why....why trick me with familier voices...

Diego: You most be a insane person mongrel, to think you'd accuse me of something so foolish

???: He's right you know, this is all in your head

Sam: G...get out....GET OUT (Sam starts holding his head and falls to the ground completly)

???: Now don't be foolish you and i both know i'm stuck here with you sam

Sam: I... i don't....I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYMORE (Diego smashes his foot into sam's head)

Diego: You are boring me mongrel, so stop this little game of yours and get back up (Diego kicks sam's side, he keeps kicking until sam dodges by doing a handstand and kicks diego in the head) Thats more like it

Sam:...What...what was that (Sam looks to his left and sees a familier person standing there) can't be...You should be...i killed you...SITCH

Sitch: Ah so you can finally see me!


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