Marcus's past final

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Marcus Pov

Marcus: (Marcus wakes up after adrian knocked him out in a dark dungeon, marcus tries standing up but he's shackled against the wall) What the......The hell is going on here? (Marcus tries to break the chains but is unable to) Dammit why won't these things get loose! HEY IS ANYBODY THERE, LET ME OUT OF HERE BEFORE I GET PISSED (Right then marcus gets hit by a flying rock, marcus looks to his right to see a old man standing against the wall) The hell was that for? and why are you not chainged up?

Old man: Oh don't mind me, continue your screaming mongrel

Marcus: Scuse me?

Old man: Of course if you do choose to continue screaming i will throw another rock at you

Marcus: (A small vein appears on marcus's forhead) Wow less then a minute and i already hate you

Old man: (The old man starts laughing) Oh how nice, does that mean you don't desire help with your shackles?

Marcus: I mean there is always room for a little friendship in hatred right man?

Old man: Well i don't make deals with friends and sadly i intend to make a deal with you little swordsman

Marcus: Alright

Old man: (The old man starts walking around) You see marcus you are something of a ungrown fruit, you still have quite a bit to grow until your tasty enough to defour

Marcus: Bit of a weird way to say that i'm not yet at my full potential but ok

Old man: but you will never fully grow if you don't take my deal, as the royal family of iron forge desire adrian castle dead and as it is looking now you are in the way. the moment you die adrian will be weakend and able to be placed in a trap

Marcus: Your lying! adrian wouldn't get weaker because of the death of one of his soldiers. we die all the time around him!

Old man: Yet are you not more to adrian then just a soldier? are you not his adopted son? (Marcus suddenly starts getting more angry) Adrian cares more about you then he does most people, honestly i doubt he'll life long after your dea....

Marcus: Get on with it will you, i don't have all day!

Old man: Fine then, the deal is quite simple. in exchange for your freedom you will kill atleast halve of the iron forge army and there royal family....yes i think that should be enough

Marcus: Your crazy if you think i'll kill that much just to get out of here

Old man: Then adrian will die


Old man: You owe him a bit to much don't you marcus

Marcus: Shut up...... (Suddenly marcus and the old man hear footsteps approuching)

Old man: It seems your window is closing, last chance do you want to save your father or not?

Marcus:...... i...

John: (John hits the prison bars with his sword, marcus looks to the old man but he's gone) Hey Hey marcus did you have a nice rest here?

Marcus: i got nothing to say to you traitor

John: Oh thats filthy rich marcus, your the one who betrayed our great nation, you should have joined us when you had the chance

Marcus: I don't betray those who helped me

John: Well marcus that is quite sad, so let me give you your options right now. option one you call adrian and tell him the truth which he won't believe, option two you say nothing and get executed. and if your wondering why well its quite simple the nobels and the royal family are funding adrians death. almost everybody in our army is on board with it aswel. isn't that funny!

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