The Mountain Dragon

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Mako Pov

Mako: (mako jumps on to the dragons face) Hey buddy, suns getting real low

Mountain dragon: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH (the dragon shaks mako off of him and prepares to shoot something out of his mouth)

Sam: Is he going to do what i think he's going to do?

Mako: RUN YOU MORON (Mako grabs sam by the arm and pulls them both out of the dragons firering range, The dragon shoots a stream of rock out of his mouth creating a mountain around mako's house) shit, he locked marcus inside

Sam: Is that a problem?


Sam: But what if he survives?

Mako: Then he will probably die because of starvation, dude didn't just shoot rock. he shot bedrock, doesn't get much harder then that

Sam: Shit

Mako: yeah, but we got a angry dragon so i would appriciate the assistents

Sam: I'll do what i can

Mountain dragon: RAAAAAGH (The dragon tries punching them but the dodge, mako punches the dragon in the face making it fall over) 

Mako: Take that you filthy casual (The dragon flies up and hits mako with his tale)

Sam: (Sam grabs his bow and shoots energy bolts at the dragons eyes)

Mountain dragon: RAAAAAAAAGH (The dragons puts his hand infront of his eyes and starts shooting bedrock all around the beach and ocean) 

Mako: Nice job sam, now my beach is fucked

Sam: Don't see you do any damage (Mako flies at the dragon and does a superkick on him sending him back into the ocean) Oke that just seems unfair

Mako: Welp that should do it (Suddenly a large landmass made out of bedrock appears we're the dragon landed, a large fat man with rocky marks stands in the middel of it) Oke this shouldn't do it then

???: Damn that hurt.....

Mako: This is really bad (mako flies down to the bedrock land) evening bud, how are you

???: Oh hey, thought you might have been the guy that hit me you, fucking twat

Mako: Yeah its been awhile sinds you we're in your human form, hasn't it Jagan?

Jagan: I was having such a nice dream, and now here you are fucking twat. your just asking me to kill you

Mako: Wouldn't dare mountain dragon

Jagan: Going by title here ey, and here i thought we we're friends (sharp rocks start piercing out of jagans knuckels) But i guess you are just another filthy human (Jagan punches mako's chest from the side leaving a large scar on is chest, mako holds goes for a superkick but it has no effect) Have you forgoten that my fat aborbes all damage, you can't hurt me mako!

Mako: Yeah we'll there is always a way to kick your ass (mako kicks jagan in the nuts)

Jagan:.......was that suppost to hurt?

Mako: oh fuck (Jagan grabs mako's leg and starts slaming him on to the ground a few times until mako twists his leg and does a superkick to the face of jagan) Take that you dumb bafoon

Jagan: That tickelt

Mako: AHA SO YOU DO FEEL MY ATTACKS, VICTORY (mako does a silly pose with a peace sign)

Jagan: You sure know how to piss me off don't you (jagan prepares to shoot bedrock again, but mako jumps on to his head forcing him to shoot the bedrock into his mouth) Owh, That fucking hurt, my teath are fucked you cunt

Mako: Finally some real damage (Jagan spits out the bedrock then opens his mouth to show that he grew new teath) Oke thats just not fair

Jagan: what do you care about fair? either way your attack was smart but worthless, my teath are usually like sand paper, very easy to destroy. sometimes i break them myself, HOWEVER i have the ability to regrow my teath and make them stronger then the last for only 1 hour

Mako: you sure are a bag of very inconvinent abilities 

Jagan: Said the guy who sealed a man in his own mind

Mako: For training purposes

Jagan: Thats what they all say (Mako punches jagan in the face breaking his teath again....Which regrows within seconds) Can you stop breaking my teath, it feels very shitty

Mako: I'll think about it (Mako punches jagan's teath out again)

Jagan: The fuck, you said you'd think about it you bitch!

Mako: Yeah i thought about it, i decided i wanted to (Jagan punches mako in the stomach, piercing his gut)

Jagan: No more words out of you (mako disapears in thin air) What the (Mako kicks jagan from the side of his head)

Mako: After image, one of the most usefull moves i know

Jagan: That is just not how a after image works

Mako: We'll nobody told me that

Jagan: Either way, you have no hope to beat me. you aren't strong enough to harm me nor fast enough to outspeed me. you have no hope, no friends and no bitches. not one bitch to your name

Mako: I feel like you are hanging on the bitches part a bit to much

Jagan: So what is your plan mako von fugger

Mako: No need to call me by that name, it kinda pisses me off

Jagan: Then what are you going to do about it?

Mako: I guess if you know my last name that i can show you my little secret

Jagan: What?


Marcus Pov

Marcus: What do you want to know demon?

???: Oh? are you trying to get me to let you free with information?

Marcus: We'll i can't fight you so talking is all i can try

???: Your smarter then you look, i'd like to ask you a question. Why do you desire strength

Marcus: What?

???: it isn't that hard of a question, its a question you should know

Marcus:......To kill one of every creature

???: Boelshit and you know it, if your going to lie you should make it more confincing to a demon 

Marcus: That is the reason you basterd

???: Then you will die here, with no honor and no glory....also i'll probably drag your body to hell, not sure yet

Marcus: Basterd!

???: How about i make this a little easier for you by asking a different question first, Why are you known as the dragon of iron forge?

Marcus: please you probably already know why

???: I want you to tell me marcus, what did you do to become known as the dragon of iron forge?

Marcus: Thats non of your busness

???: What are you afraid of? That a demon will judge you, say it

Marcus: no....i



???: good marcus, now tell me why do you want power

Marcus: To kill the man that made me the dragon!


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