Ocean Dragons Fall!

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Marcus Pov

Sitch: (marcus mako and sam are all standing infront of sitch who is still in his dragon form) Whats wrong humans, life flashing before your eyes?

Marcus: No not really, just wondering where i'm going to cut you to cause you the most pain i can

Mako: Also human? at this point sam is the only full blooded human

Marcus: I'm full blooded mako

Mako: And thats a conversation we desperatly need to have

Sitch: Are you foolish humans done

Mako: Yeah i guess 

Marcus: Sam stay here (Sam is sitting on the ground while holding a part of crate's hand) Alright mako, lets do this (Marcus and mako both jump forward towards sitch)

Sitch: Foolish humans do you really believe you can defeat me with a head on attack!

Marcus: No, but then again who said we we're going to attack?

Sitch: WHAT (Marcus jumps onto sitch's head while mako jumps onto sitch's back) WHAT ARE YOU FOOLS DOING, GET OFF OF ME NOW! (Sitch starts flying into the remaining buildings within the city, destroying everything besides his own castle. Marcus stabs his sword into sitch's head to try and hold on while mako is just holding on for dear life with anything he possibly can) WHY WON'T YOU FOOLS FALL


Mako: Imma be honest, keep doing this for like 3 maybe 4 minutes and i'll just let go

Sitch: I SHALL END THIS NOW. DEATH BY BUBBLES (Sitch releases bubbles out of his mouth which surrounds his entire body)

Mako: Pffff bubbles really? god here i thought you were going to do something scary (one of the bubbles touches a part of mako's arm and erases the part the bubble touched) OH FUCK


Mako: I feel like you are leaving the realm of the ocean and entering boelshit territory

Sitch: Have you forgoten i'm one of the strongest creature alive!

Mako: Honestly if we run through every creature in the universe i doubt you'd make the top 10

Sitch: Die (Sitch releases a stream of water from his mouth which circles around his body and absorbes the bubbles, the bubbles then start shooting at marcus and mako at high speed forcing them to start moving and dodge the bubbles)

Marcus: Dammit there to fast (Marcus gets hit in the right shoulder which makes him drop his sword) DAMMIT (marcus gets hit in the leg making him fall down. a bubble shoots at him at high speed however he tries to slash it but he realizes he dropped it) *this is bad, if i don't do something i'll die* (suddenly marcus hears a voice in his head)

Diego: Well then allow me to step in (suddenly marcus's sword reappears in his hand which cuts right through the bubble making it explode. the expolsion hits sitch making him fall back to the ground for a moment which allows mako to jump off of sitch but marcus remains on sitch) 

Marcus: Wait, i can cut the bubbles?! (Suddenly marcus's sword transforms into the demon sword diego once more) Dammit not this again (Marcus's wounds suddenly start healing) Well if the cost of me healing faster is using this evil sword then i got no choice (every bubble around sitch starts flying at marcus who releases a powerfull asgards downfall which he moves around himself to destroy every single bubble around him before releasing the attack at sitch which break opens up almost his entire back)

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