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Marcus Pov

Marcus: (marcus jumps towards adrian trying to slash him but adrian just steps to the side making marcus miss his attack. Adrian then kicks marcus in his side making him stumble away) The hell is that

Adrian: What never been kicked before?

Marcus: No i've been kicked plenty, just not used to being kicked by a swordsman. which brings me to my question, why aren't you using your sword?

Adrian: Well i don't use a claymore to cut my food, so neither will i use my weapon to fight somebody weaker then me

Marcus: Damn you sure became a pompus assho....(Adrian moves so quickly that it looks like he teleported infront of marcus and grabs him by the head, he then slams marcus into the ground creating a massive crack in the floor)

Adrian: like i said, your weak

Marcus: (Marcus pushes himself up from the ground, his face is coverd with his own blood) yeah.....well you used to hit harder (After that command adrian stomps marcus's face back into the ground)

Adrian: You sure don't know when to shut up do you (Adrian pulls marcus back up and he takes to steps back) Come on marcus i'm going to need you to atleast make this fun for me

Marcus: (Marcus who is barley able to stand up right grabs his sword and puts it infront of him) this (Marcus runs towards adrian and tries to slash him over and over again but adrian keeps dodging by just stepping away from him) STOP DODGING

Adrian: Well if you insist (While marcus is trying to slash him, adrian grabs marcus's arm and uses his momentum to judo throw marcus back to the ground, marcus immediately kicks back up and jumps up trying to cut adrian's head off but the blade is unable to cut through adrians skin)

Marcus: What in the....(Adrian then slaps marcus's arm away which makes marcus take two steps back) ok what is going on here, i don't remember you having such a thick neck

Adrian: Well it has been a few decades kid, if you thought that i wouldn't have gotten stronger within that time then you are a bigger fool then i originally thought

Marcus: Yeah....Yeah thats fair (Marcus puts his sword up preparing a strong attack) Alright if i can't cut you then i'll just have to blast you. ASGARDS DOWNFALL (Marcus shoots a powerfull black energy blast towards adrian)

Adrian: Its different from what i remember, its less intense (Adrian punches the attack completly destroying asgards downfall and cracking marcus's katana) And it seems to be weaker aswel

Marcus: what the fu.....(Marcus stands there inshock when adrian just appears next to him and backhands him into another statue)

Adrian: Is this really all you got marcus? i can't believe i lost to you before

Marcus: *Cough* I don't know what you mean, i've gotten stronger sinds that day. i should be much stronger then i was back in those days

Adrian: Then i'm even more disappointed, i can't believe i was ever that weak then, well if this is all you got i might aswel kill you

Marcus: I'd like to see you try. DIVINE SPEAR (Marcus shoots the divine spear at adrian trying to pierce the same spot as last time, however adrian is able to catch the attack and break the energy blade) wha....what.....thats....thats impossible!

Adrian: I am truly disapointed marcus, i had hoped to atleast get a good fight out of you but even that seems to be taken from me

Marcus: The hell are you on about

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