Calm before the storm

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Sam Pov

Marcus: (Marcus and the rest are walking throught the sewage system) It just had to be a sewer 

Sam: Its the best way in man

Marcus: Yeah well it could have been anything else

Sam: It could, if you want to start fighting without any prep time

Mako: He's got you dare

Crate: No he doesn't marcus-chan is always right. right marcus-chan~

Marcus: sure, so are we almost at the exit?

Sam: Yeah its right there (Sam points at a random wall inside of the sewer)

Mako: You know i'm not a master at spotting doors but i believe that would be a wall sam

Sam: And?

Mako: You can't open walls....(Sam pushes the wall and it collapses)

Sam: You we're saying?

Mako: Sam do me a favor and stop being competent for a minute. its making me look stupid

Sam: I'll try (The gang goes through the exit and enter the castle)

Crate: Alright sem, you can just walk around cuss your well known the rest of us need to look for some disguises

Mako: Damn if only i brought my fake mustache

Crate: very funny mako

Mako: Thanks man, i worked really hard on that joke (mako walks into the castle)

Crate: Hate that guy......

Marcus: eh you get used to it (marcus walks off and crate follows him)

Sam: I'm really glad that we're splitting up again after just getting back together, love this team man.......(Sam closes the wall and walks towards the dressing room to put on a uniform) These suits are made way to tight...oh well it will have to do (Sam starts walking around the castle) Now if i was a dragon where would i be....(Suddenly a hand touches sams shoulder, sam turns around to see a random soldier)

Soldier: Who are you? i've never seen you around here before? are you new?

Sam:....Well you know i'm just walking around...

Soldier: You seem suspicious......Your coming with me!

Sam: *shit* Wait wait wait.....(The soldier grabs sam my the arm to pull im with em but his arm gets grabbed by a familier man)

Butler: What do you think your doing?

Soldier: Hm? i'm taking this suspicious man to the dungeon

Butler: You most be a fool then, this is lord sitch's favorite general

Soldier: (The soldier lets sam go in shock) Wait he's a general!? 

Butler: That is what i just said yes.....

Soldier: (The soldier bows before sam) I'M SORRY SIR, PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR MY FOOLISHNESS!

Sam: Y.....Yeah aight

Soldier: (The soldier stands back up) THANK YOU SIR, I'LL NEVER FORGET YOUR KINDNESS (The soldier walks off)

Sam: Thanks man, you keep saving me

Butler: What do you mean saving? you are quite loved by the lord even if he only just met you. if you were to die now then he wouldn't be able to enjoy you anymore now would he?

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