Ocean City

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Marcus Pov

Marcus: (marcus and the gang are in the carage) I didn't know you knew how to drive one of these bad boys

Mako: Its just two horses and a wooden box with wheels, it aint that fucking hard

Marcus: i bet sam can't do it

Sam: leave me out of this!

Marcus: Ok but can you

Sam: Of course i can, do you think i can't do anything or something?

Marcus and mako: YES

Sam: Oh shut up (sam moves to the back of the carage)

Marcus: Think we pushed it to far?

Mako: as long as he's here then we haven't pushed him enough

Marcus: uhm why would we want that exactly?

Mako: marcus we're about to head into a city thats owned by a dragon, sam isn't ready for that

Marcus: you may be right however he is also a wanted man, we can't just leave him somewhere alone he'll br captured by the combat force

Mako: yet he'd servive that, marcus if we don't leave sam before we reach that city then i promise you that he will die

Marcus: (Marcus looks at sam concerned) i won't leave him alone mako, i brought him into this after all

Mako: (mako closes his eyes for a moment and walks to the back of the carage) whatever Marcus, forget what i said you little goof

Marcus: i can never read that guy...

After a few hours

Marcus: (the carage arrives at a ocean) soooo any of you got a idea we're it is exactly

Mako: well i would presume that the ocean city would be inside the ocean

Marcus: yeah i understand that. But how do we get down there?

Mako: i don't know, maybe we just swim down

Sam: isn't there just a path down?

Mako: right cuss there would be an easy path into the terrain of a dragon

Sam: i mean yours was pretty easy to get to


Sam: nothing don't worry about it...

Marcus: that does leave the question how we get down

Mako: oeh oeh maybe we can try doi... (suddenly mako gets punched in the face so hard that he completely rotates and falls to the ground)

???: Mako von fugger, guardian of the mountain dragon king. Heir to the fugger family. The fuck are you doing at my ocean

Mako: (mako stands up and punches the mysterious fellow so hard in the face that he rotates and falls to the ground) Crate Williams, guardian of the ocean dragon king and pain in my ass. Just the guy i was hoping for

Crate williams
Age: 44
Wears swimming trunks
A blue jacket with ocean lover on the back
Has a strap around his body to hold up his blue surfboard
5'9 (179 cm)
Long white hair
Hates: Bugs
signature move: Ocean man

Crate: (crate stands back up) what are you doing here mako, shouldn't you be taking care of your dragon?

Mako: yeah about that, i lost him

Crate: what do you mean lost him, for your sake i hope you mean killed

Mako: nope fucker just dipped... Or more accurately he got yoinked by a different dragon

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