Sky Dragon vs The Rising star

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Sam Pov

Crate: (Crate stands back up after rualix had kicked him down) Heh it seems they beat you already

Rualix:...It appears so, no matter it is but the shell holding my try might

Crate: So...what exactly are you supposed to be, i knew dragons could take human form but not completly leave behind the dragon itself

Rualix: Good question...i most say that i myself have no idea, but in any case i've finally been cured from my insanity (Jagan walks up to rualix)

Jagan: If thats the case then i suppose you'll just let us go then?

Rualix: Your free to leave jagan, you helped me after all but the rest of them will die

Jagan: (Jagan scratches his head) Well i suppose i can life with tha...

Rualix: And after killing them i will take revenge on both the poison dragon and the fire dragon 

Jagan: Oh...that is

Rualix: What is it?

Jagan: Well you know...You can do what you like with the poison dragon but the fire dragon is off limits bud, he's way to powerfull for yo...(Rualix kicks jagan in the stomach sending him flying into the rubble of one of his towers) 

Rualix: A weakling like you dares tell me what i can and can't do, have you forgoten your place jagan? (Rualix starts walking towards jagan) Have you forgoten how our last fight whent (Rualix stands infront of jagan) Let me remind you (Rualix tries to pierce jagan's heart but right before he can pierce jagan's skin, Crate hits rualix with a drop kick making him slide away a bit) Tsk...what do you think your doing human? i gave you a chance to escape and you choose to save your enemy! 

Crate: Now what do you mean enemy? i've only just met the guy

Rualix: I see (Rualix turns towards crate and spreads his arms) Shall we begin?

Crate: (Crate puts his firsts infront of his face) I was born ready (Rualix and crate both walk towards one another, once there infront of eachother rualix throws a wind infused punch but crate weaves to the left and throws a left jab towards rualix face, but rualix uses the wind to make crate miss his punch by an inch, rualix then knees crate in the gut making him go up into the air a bit. rualix throws a bolt of lightning at crate while he's still in the air sending him flying back, right before he's able to land rualix summons a heavy gust of wind sending crate back to him and rualix attempts a punch to the gut but while crate is flying back he starts using stary road to dodge the attack, crate then lands behind rualix and goes for a sweeping kicking making rualix fall down, crate then tries punching raulix while he's on the ground but rualix shoots two tornado's from his hands to crate's chest, sending him flying up into the air and land back down on his back, when crate lands he spits out a bit of blood) 

Rualix: Well that fight was short lived, but i enjoyed it non the le...(Even before rualix could finish his sentence jagan decks rualix in the face, making him slide back) Tsk...wait your turn jagan, i'll kill you soon enough

Jagan: I remember now...i remember why i dislike you (Jagan punches the ground making giant spike appear around rualix, rualix tries to get away from the spikes but he's intrapped by the spikes, but rualix quickly destroys all the spikes by creating a large gust of wind, rualix then flies into the sky and summons his tridant. he then flies towards jagan and impales jagan right into some rubble)...Heh glad to see...COUGH....that you can still use that tridant

Rualix: Oh this weapon will be mine until my death

Jagan: Heh...that can be arranged (Jagan roars so loud that it cracks the earth below him and rualix) 

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