Team B Part 1

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Marcus Pov

Mako: (Marcus and mako are inside a bar) AnOtHeR dRiNk On mE yA'lL

Marcus: Mako i think you drank to much

Mako: I haven't 

Marcus: Wha....then why do you act drunk?

Mako: Marcus i can't get drunk because i'm part angel, so atleast let me have a little fun with it

Marcus: hm interesting

Mako: Now then, LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED (Mako grabs two hybrids and starts dancing with them) 

Marcus: take this series man

Mako: I am taking this series man, however it doesn't hurt to not care for a minute

Marcus: Wha.....that doesn't make sense at all 

Mako: Well suck it bottom boy

Marcus: Will you shut up about that


Marcus: Hey bartender do me another shot of whiskey

Bartender: Right away sir

Marcus: hey do you know anything about the ocean dragon?

Bartender: Do i know anything about the king? sure but i can't tell you anything that you won't find in the museum

Marcus: Thank you, you wouldn't also have a four person room would you?

Bartender: Sorry but we don't just lend out rooms to random people

Marcus: We can pay you

Bartender: Doesn't matter we still won't let you lend a room

Marcus: Come on there most be something we can do....(Suddenly a group of rough looking hybrids walk through the door and start beating up random guys)

Hybrid boss: Ok people empty your pockets and ya may survive today

Bartender: Hey you wanted a room right? if you beat them up i'll let you guys take one


Mako: I already was (Mako jumps into a group of hybrids taking them out) 

Marcus: Idiot (Marcus grabs his sword and cuts down three hybrids and then clashes with the boss hybrid who wields a machete) 

Boss hybrid: Ready to die boy!

Marcus: Boy? i'm probably older then you brother (Marcus pushes the hybrid bosses blade away, he then tries to go for another cut but he is countered by the hybrid boss who then goes for a sideways cut, which cuts open marcuses side) ah that stings, you done it now fish face (the hybrid boss tries to cut off marcus's head but he dodge rolls to the left and then cuts off the hybrid bosses head) Damn that was close, i would have lost if i didn't know how to dodge roll

Mako: (mako is getting rushed by four hybrids) Hmmmm this is turning into quite the pickle, if only i had a techniek that could defeat a enemy in one shot (Mako dodges every punch that the hybrids try to hit at him, mako then superkicks two of them) wait i do have one of those moves! Welp no time like the present (mako jumps forward and touches the heads of the last two hybrids) BLOOMING MADNESS (the last two hybrids eyes go white and they collapse) So that was hard, HEY MARCUS HOW YA DOIN

Marcus: I'm fine. we got a room here aswel

Mako: Good, they have very good beer here

Marcus: Well lets head to the museum

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