Marcus's past part 3

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Marcus Pov

Marcus: (Marcus is lying down in a cart until the cart shakes a bit waking him up, he quickly sits back up) Where........Where am i? (Marcus looks around and sees a large man sitting next to him)

Adrian: Ah good you're finally awake! (Marcus looks at adrian and immediately tries to jump out of the cart however adrian grabs him by the shirt and pulls him back into the cart) Come on kid, try not to run from your savior please

Marcus: What the hell are you talking about old man!

Adrian: Old man?! i'm 23 kid........anyway you most be tired so rest for now

Marcus: Like hell i will! i gotta go back home

Adrian: (Adrian looks at marcus with cold eyes) You want to return to vinlee?

Marcus: Its my home, i gotta return!

Adrian: Kid, vinlee is currently a pile of rubble (Marcus looks shocked) Its going to take years for vinlee to be rebuild and lets also not forget the fact that they betrayed you. yet you still want to return there?

Marcus:......but....but its my home.....

Adrian: (Adrian sighs) look kid if you want to go back then be my quest, however i would advice you to come with us

Marcus: Why?

Adrian: Because i want to train you of course! (Marcus looks suprised)

Marcus: Why would you want to train me?

Adrian: Simple, because you showed guts kid. you helped us defeat vinlee and for that you have my thanks, now its my turn to repay you so get ready to join us kid......where here (Adrian points towards a large city) Welcome to iron forge kid! (the army arrives at iron forge and ride through the gate) You probably never seen a city quite like this 

Marcus: Yeah.....its much bigger then vinlee

Adrian: It sure is

Marcus: Wait where exactly are we going?

Adrian: We're heading towards the baracks 

Marcus: Why exactly?

Adrian: Because we'll be starting your training boy

Marcus: (marcus looks at adrian with confusion) Why would i need training? i've only just finished my training in vinlee

Adrian: Yeah thats the problem kid, those weak basterds don't even know how to make a proper city not to mention a army

Marcus: Should.....should i feel offended?

Adrian: Not at all, soon you'll be one of my boys (The arrived at the baracks) Alright kid follow me (Marcus and adrian walk through the baracks until they reach a group of small houses slightly outside of the baracks) Welcome to our street kid, welcome to your new home

Marcus: You know my name is marcus right?

Adrian: I do now (Adrian walks up to a random house and walks inside) Come in kid

Marcus: So is this your house?

Adrian: Its our house now

Marcus: (Marcus looks a little suprised) Am i not getting my own house?

Adrian: Marcus how old are you?

Marcus: Still thirteen adrian....

Adrian: And have you ever met a thirteen year old with his own house?

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