Team A Part 1

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Sam Pov

Sam: (Sam and crate arrive at the entrance of the ocean dragon kings castle) So whats the plan crate?

Crate: "Sniff" why did marcus-chan leave me....

Sam: Crate you ok? 

Crate: Oh the horror, he's alone with mako

Sam: And?

Crate: He's going to take him from me sam!

Sam: i doubt it

Crate: (Crate grabs sam by the shirt) You don't get it sam, my love for marcus-chan is the greatest lover there is. i refuse to lose him to anyone!

Sam: Imma be honest, i don't think marcus likes you in the first place cra.....(Crate punches sam, sam falls to the ground) what was that for?!

Fish soldier: Hey whats going on here?

Crate: It was for that. ROATATION PUNCH (Crate tries punching the fish soldier, but he parries it and tries to stab crate in the face but he dodges only getting a small cut on the side of his face) how dare you CUT MY FACE! (The fish soldier tries to stab crate in the chest but he catches the spear and breaks off the top part, the then uses that to stab the fish soldier in the heart killing him) Thats what you get for cutting my face. what would marcus-chan say if my face isn't in its best shape possible

Sam: he probably won't even notice......

Crate: Your right, he would look past that scar and look at my inner beuty what are we going to do with the body?

Crate: Oh that, your going to wear his clothes

Sam: Excuse me?

Crate: Your going to wear it to get inside while i look for a different way inside

Sam: Dude you said we weren't going to go inside today!

Crate: i lied, i lied so marcus-chan and mako wouldn't be worried. don't worry you will fit right in

Sam: in clothes maybe but there is one problem

Crate: Yeah the hole in the chest and the amount of blood may be a problem

Sam: Besides that, i'm not a fish hybrid so wouldn't they notice that i'm not from here

Crate: Its not a problem, normal humans appear here aswel. there is just less of them so it should still work out. well good luck sam (Crate walks away)

Sam: Oh i'm so dead......(Sam puts on the clothes and walks towards the gate)

Fish soldier: What is your busness here?

Sam: I would like to go back inside!

Fish Soldier: Hm i don't think i've ever seen you here before. show me your badge, thats a order!

Sam: Alright (Sam starts looking for a badge in his clothes he eventually finds a star shaped badge) Here you go

Fish soldier: Oh i'm sorry general, please come inside (The soldier opens the gate and sam walks through it)

Sam: *I'm a general? thats a suprise* (Sam walks through the halls until he is stopped by a human butler with a few cuts and bruses)

Butler: Sir are you ok? you seem to have bled quite a bit

Sam: Oh this, yeah i'm fine you should have seen the other guy however

Butler: Ah very good sir. may i please know your rank?

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