Marcuses past part 1

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Marcus Pov

Present marcus: It all started over 40 years ago, i was born in a small town by the name of vinlee. i was born with no father and my mother died a few days after my birth. i was taken in by the local lord who made me work for him from the young age of three. i would continue to work for him until i was around ten years old...on a fathfull day, the local lord had a party and i was asked to clean up the place

Marcus: (scrubbing the floor) Why can he never party like a normal person, like there is pie on the ceiling

Kai: Yeah well you tell that to the big man, see how long you survive

Kai Kruger
Age: 18
Wears a full set of armor with a cape
has a longsword on his left side
6'0 (183 cm)
brown long hair
Hates: cleaning
signature move: Triple strike

Marcus: What is he going to do? cut of my hands like he did with jessica

Kai: Probably

Marcus: Well then i sure wonder who is going to do the cleaning, hmmm. guess that would be his knights right

Kai: Will you shut up you runt! (Kai kicks marcus in the gut while he was crawling on the ground, marcus spits up blood) Look at what you did, you should be thankfull that the lord allowed to to be in this room (Kai grabs marcus by his hair)

Marcus: LET GO YOU BASTERD (Marcus tries to punch kai but he cant reach him)

Kai: What do you think your going to do, you can't reach me with your tiny little arms (kai punches marcus back to the ground, giving him a bloody nose) You really can't keep the floor clean can you, i guess that means the lord will have no use for you anymore. will he? (Kai grabs his sword preparing to kill marcus but is stopped by a elderly man) 

Old man: What do you think your doing?

Kai: ! (Kai puts his sword back and bows before the old man) I'M SORRY LORD DRU, BUT THIS CHILD WAS MAKING YOUR PARTY ROOM DIRTY

Dru: And why should i care? isn't this room his to clean? if he wants to make it more dirty then why should it matter, he will clean it all up anyway. now i believe i requested your presense in the war room


Dru: Oh shut up and come with me

Dru godhand
Age: 79
Wears a royal gown
has a crown on his head
has a kings cape
and has a walking stick
5'5 (139 cm)
Gray long hair
Hates: Other lords
signature move: N/A

Marcus: (Dru and kai walk away) Asshole, why is kai so mean to me

Kai Pov

Kai: (Kai and dru walk into a room full of other lords) my lord are you sure i should be here?

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