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Waking up to your drunk sister yelling at your mom, was a signal that you need to wake up. You stared at your self in the mirror, pointing out all the flaws in your head about your self.
You started brushing your teeth and did your morning routine. You pick out a outfit for the day.

You then heard a beer bottle slam against the floor"Wow, even your sister wears slutty clothes!" You heard your mom say while pointing at youYou ignored her and grabbed your Walkman clipping it to your jeans and grabbed some pop tarts

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You then heard a beer bottle slam against the floor
"Wow, even your sister wears slutty clothes!" You heard your mom say while pointing at you
You ignored her and grabbed your Walkman clipping it to your jeans and grabbed some pop tarts.
"You fat fuck!" You heard your mom say
You close the door to your house as you walk to school. Seeing a fist fight between two girls and everyone chanting "Sasha!" You walked in trying to find finney and Robin.
You made it to your locker seeing finney talking to Robin. Opening your locker you grabbed a book to your class and went over to finney and Robin
You heard them talking about the kidnappings. And how this kid named Vance hopper came back to school
"Who's Vance?" You said looking confused
"How do you not know who-"
"Remeber she joined here like a week ago."
"Oh yeah- ok so basically Vance is this big ass bully, and is friends with moose, that kid that you saw me beating the shit outta that one day. "
You then started realizing somthing, that last name sounded familiar, OH he must me Mrs. Hoppers son.
"Oh I might know him, I pulled his mom's backyard yesterday."
"And saw him get dragged out of the grab n go by the cops hehehe-" you said
"Oh yeah that's him." You hear finney say-

Time skip

You go into the lunch room and you start hearing a fight, seeing that Vance kid from earlier.
He was beating someone with a brown hair cause they cut infront of Vance.
"Hey, sensitive dipshit."You say standing up from your table
"Y/n don't do this!"Robin says while grabbing on to your jacket.
"No Robin, I got it." You said pulling away from Robin and walking over to Vance.
"Stop beating thr shit out of kids just cause your a sensitive little bitch about everything." You said putting your hand on you hip, tilting your hip.
"Oh your the servant of my mom's." Vance says while looking over his shoulder while looking at you, with a lower voice.
Those words made you slightly pissed, you aren't a servant! You just make money.
"Look just cause you have a poorly taken care of back yard doesn't mean you can call me a servant." You said
Vance gets up. Holy hell, he is tall. About 5 inches talker than you. With him towering over you he looks down at you and he whispers in your ear,
"Look, why I'm not beating the shit outta you is cause my mom will find out." You felt his hot breath on your face while he talks
"So this will be a fucking warning," he says pushing you out the way while walking past you.
You tisked at his comment and walked back to Robin and finney, they asked if you were OK and what he said to you.
"I swear to God if he said what I think he said I will crush his skull 7 feet deep-" Robin said standing up with fist in his hand.
"Oh it was nothing, he probably won't do anything to me anymore." You said trying push Robin back into his seat.
Walking to your next class you were semi late cause you got into sbfight with some girls over some bull about you being Robin's girlfriend. And once you got to class the only seat not taken was the seat next to Vance hopper.
You walked over to the seat and placed you book on the table and felt his eyes tare a hole straight through you. Then felt a paper being thrown at you.
"Have fun, welcome to your own personal hell."
You realized that today you were working with chemicals.
You told Vance what to do and always got a snotty response.
"Shut up you pussy." You said as he pore the liquid into the tube.
"Your so god damn lucky this isn't in your face right now." He said holding back.
You then saw as he pulled a knife and started cutting your shoulder and forearm. Then writhing somthing into your arm. You put a hand over your mouth and you tried holding back the tears. While looking into your lap you could hear the sadistic snickers from Vance while cutting your arm.

Time skip
You were at finney and Gwen's house talking about the situation and showed them your arm, showing the words, Vance. H ♡
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