Fuck you

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While walking you saw Vance sitting down with charlie. He probably didn't even notice you were missing, hehe only for like 18 hours. You walk past them and felt a gaze burn through you, knowing exactly who it was from.

"Yes?" You turned and looked at him.

"I- I thought you went missing??" He said

"I escaped, it was easy. Stupid idiot." You smile to your self.

"Also, fuck both of you, you cheater. Go to hell." You say using both of your hands to flip them off and walk off to gwens house. When you knock on the door you see Finney, he just stared at you wide eyed.

"Hi?" You say weaving at him.

"I thought you went missing.... am I lookin gat a ghost or somthing?" he said squinting looking at you.

"No, I just escaped, anyway wheres gwen?"

"Yeah, yeah shes upstairs, I'm going to call the police and tell them that you escaped." You walked into the house and went up the stairs.

"Hey gwen-"

"WHAT THE- ARE YOU DEAD, IS THIS A SIGN FROM JESUS??" She said holding a cross in the air.

"No, I just escaped, like 10 minutes ago, Finney is calling the police right now, telling them that im ot missing or some bullshit like that." You walked over and sat on her bed. Gwen still looked dazed, staring at you.

"I just cant believe that you escaped so quickly, I thought you would be dead right now." She said putting away her worshiping item- things-

"Yeah, well that stupid mother fucker didn't know what he had comin." You said flexing your arm.

The next day at school everyone was staring at you like you were a ghost. You got pulled to the office to get interviewed.

"I don't remeber the house, but I do know that the house across teh streets number is 7741." With the information that you told them tehy ran out of the door. You walked back to class.

"Hey Y/n." Robin said calmly to you.

"Hey Robin." You said back. You then saw a note being passed to you. 'Don't forget what you have to do~' god, You don't really want to sing, so you just let teh rumors spread that you kissed Vance in those ways. You weren't ashamed anymore, it would either make me seem like a slut, or her. You really were gonna roll the dice seeing where this would go.

At lunch you see Vance beating some poor kid to a bloody pulp. You honestly didn't care anymore, you didn't feel anything, not rage, sadness, annoyed. Just nothing, maybe your a physcopath for feeling like this. You didn't realize it, but you were now staring at Vance recking this kid up. You tried to feel somthing, anything, but you didn't.


Your thoughts went wild as you snapped through the croud of low lives, who you once were a moment ago. Walking over to your table with your group of friends.

"Hey you k?" Robin said.

What is this?


Thats what it is, Emotion.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." You say waving him off. You then hear the argues of Robin and Gwen about some show on TV. You thought it was quite funng how tehy were fighting like little kids.

When Robin noticed your giggle and smile, he looked over to you. he loved your laugh, he always thought you sounded like an angel straight from heaven. He was blushing getting lost in your face.

"HEY ROBIN, YOU GOT ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY??" Gwen said, Robin sure as hell didn't want to lose in an arguement

Walking home you see a homeless woman singing. Her voice was beautiful, to what talent she has you put 20 bucks in the jar that she had. She smiled at you and weaved at you. She then stopped singing,

"I wish good luck to you." She says smiling continuing to sing.

Once you got home you were on a call with robin. You talked to him for hours, talking about his day and his life.

"Well, sadly I have to go Robin. Cya, goodnight." You say waiting for a reponce.

"Bye, goodnight Y/n." When you were about to hang up you heard somthiing from the reseaver.

"Love you..."

lovers/// Robin x reader x Vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now