Moving on

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AckKK sorry for the slow update,

After your whole conversation with your mom and sister, you went to bed, sleeping in barely any clothes on. Waking up in the middle of the night, you heard somthing creek open. Looking, you saw your window open.




You saw that same old greying hair, and that perverted mask. Once meeting eyes you saw him leave in a flash, fucking pussy. Getting out of your bed, you lazily closed and locked your window. Making sure that pervs that, don't fucking get in.

Getting up was fucking hard as hell, you were to tired to actually give a shit about what you look like. So you just threw some jeans on and a shirt, there was an 80% chance that those close were dirty as fuck. Walking out of the house you saw the same blonde on his porch, staring at every joint you moved. Looking back at him you saw his sadistic ass smirk, flipping him off you saw him mouth the words "love you too". Blushing slightly you walked to school, seeing all the losers, loners, and lazy hookers roam the halls like ghosts.

"Hey Y/n." You looked over and saw Gwen walking with you, and some how your high ass didn't fucking notice.

"Hey Gweny." You said going over to your locker, Gwen leaning agaist the locker by.

"Did you hear the grabber is still out there?" Gwen said and looked over to meet eyes with me.

"I know personally, I saw his perverted ass sneak threw my fucking window." You said opening your locker and grabbing books for the next periods.

"What the fuck, for real?" Gwen said turning her full body to face you.

"Yeah, I genuinly don't give a fuck, he knows what I'm capable of." You said locking your locker and walking to your first period.

A sea of students walked in, seeing Vance and Robin both sit next to you. After a couple of minutes you felt a big warm hand wrap around your hand. Looking to see who it was, you saw Vance staring dirrectly at you. You felt him squeeze your hand, looking back at the board you felt another hand wrap around your other hand. Seeing Robins face focussed on the board, acting like this was a casualty.

Blushing you shook Vances hand off and used your free hand as a head rest to take mental notes. Class ended and you didn't stop holding Robins hand, you could tell he was surprised by the fact you didn't let go, or shook him off, like what you did with Vance. During your next period with Robin, you had to sit in those black combinded tables. The teacher played a movie and you felt your self lean onto Robins shoulder, feeling the warth come from his body.

You felt his hand tilt your chin and raised it to him.

Slowly you feel into a passionate kiss, ignoring everyone around. Living in this moment forever.

lovers/// Robin x reader x Vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now