Born this way

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Another shitty ass post from 5 am

Also sorry to the person that didn't enjoy the last chapter, I literally was writing on the desperation last will to live. And was low key obsessed with Elvis so like zero self control 😾😾😾😾🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


The warmth of his lips and body soon changed to the coldness of the hospital bed sheets that surrounded your body. You looked up and saw a heart modifier and one of those fuckin kool aid bag things on a pole next to you. 

Looking around you see a blonde girl, and a sleeping Vance. I guess my heart was beating faster and faster cause I heard the modifier start beating faster. 

I heard the door click open and I see Robin walk into the room, he looked like he hasn't slept in days, and he had a coffee in his hands.

"Holy fucking shit-" I heard Robin say as he put the coffee down and started running towards you and hugged you.

He rested his palm against the back of your skull as you hugged him back. You heard his sobbing whispering shit that you don't understand. In fact you don't know why you're here.



"Why am I here exactly?" 

"You don't remember? Well after your performance you got drugged by someone and ended up getting hit by a car." He said to you. 

Damn hit by a car, never thought that you would be out through a life changing experience. 

But who could've drugged you? 

No way in hell Elvis drugged you, just from meeting him he was the sweetest man alive. 

"Luckily the people who hit you are paying for the hospital bill and send a 5 thousand dollar check." Robin said 

"What the fuck-" Vance says dazed as you look over to see him look confused on where on earth he is. 

You then met eyes with him and he starts running towards you, pushing Robin out the way and wrapping his arms around you and hugged the living shut out of you. 

"Vance what are you do-" you say before quickly being interrupted by Vance kissing you. 

(I can't I have the song emo girl stuck in my head😭😭) 

"I thought I fucking lost you, never run off like that!" He says as you take no care for his words. 

"You sound like my fucking parents you know that dickwad." You say looking up from him hugging you. Maybe Vance wasn't as bad as you thought he was. 

After Vance had to leave for family reasons so you were left to Robin. 

"Hey y/n, I know what Vance did to you, but please leave him." I start to realize that I've basically been toying with the both of them for a while. I really need to pick. 

"It's just, I can't decide, I love you both." I said as I look over to him, immediately meeting eyes with him. 

I felt his hands cup around my cheeks, you felt your heart racing and the heart modifier beating quicker. 

" maybe it's just me, but I think I'll win." He says and kisses you softly, removing one of his hands from your face to grab your waist to pull closer to him. He soon pulled away and you hitched something under your breath that made you feel silly.

"It's not just you." 



Love y'all


lovers/// Robin x reader x Vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now