What do you want?

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been a while hehe anyway, I've been focusing more on my new story, the grabber x reader. Its not a pedophile type thing hehe, if your interested look in my profile for it hehe.
During the weeks of singing fo Charlie you became more and more suspisions on why your always late to lunch. When Vance healed the only thing he could talk about what Charlies voice, you cried in your bed everytime. He is your boyfriend, he can't be saying things like that.

One day

One fucking day, you saw it, right it front of your fucking eyes.

You saw Vance kissing Charlie, right after her preformence, more like your preformence. You sang bay city by junko yagami
(yeah Ik that it was made in the 80s but still- it was fucking close enough)

"CHEATER!" You said, it took nothing for tears to stream down your face.

Walking out the door to the mens bathroom you went to the last stall and heard footsteps.

"Hey Y/n, you k?" It was Moose, you never really expected it.

He sighed "I saw what Vance did, it was a real dick move, ugh, I know how much you cared about him and I just want to be there." You never really expected him to "care" he always bullied people, he never seemed to have a love life, or anything. Well, I guess Vance was like that. Walking out of the stall you saw Moose was standing by the stalls. You needed to hug someone, cry on there sholder, the only person was moose. You wraped your armes around him waist and cried into his sholder. He didn't know what to do, so he hugged you back, patting the back of you head.
time skip

It was finneys game and you were cheering him on with gwen and robin.

After the game Robin asked you somthing.
"Hey, so umm I was wondering if you wanted to go to this dinner I know on wednesday?" He rubbed the back of his neck, you were flattered.

I guess I'm single now, sure what the hell!

"Yeah I would love to! What time?" You said smiling to him

"How about 6?" You would see the very visable blush on his face. Mean while Gwen is listening in a state of shock.

"Yeah great! See ya on our date." You said walking with gwen weaving back at robin. You then felt your arm being pulled.

"WHAT WAS THAT???? DO YOU LIKE ROBIN NOW???" Gwen screamed.

"No, but I need to distract my self from that son of a bitch Vance-" Oh shit you just said that


"Oh uhhh---" Finney came at the right time to walk home with Gwen.

Walking home you felt eyes on you, then infront of you a man with a top hat and a pag of stuff, then falling on the concrete.

"Ohhaoh, whatn't that peachy-keen," He said throwing some broken eggs to the grass.

"Will you hand me my top hat?" He said under his bit of laughter. You handed him his top hat, he then looked behind. That wasn't a good sign.

Run fucking run Y/n

You thoughts went wild to run and not look back, he was no good. But your to nice for your own good, way to nice.

"I am a part time magician, would you like to see a magic trick?" You really didn't.

"Oh I would, but I'm in a hurry." You said akwardly walking away.

"No your not," he said grabbing your hair and straying somthing into your mouth. You faught back. You were holding some books in your hand and so you smacked his head. Be didn't let go, but he backed away a bit. You smacked him again.

"You fucking bitch." he said in a more deeper voice. he let go of you hair this time. He grabbed you by the waist, to were his thumb was under your breast.

"YOU FUCKING PERVERT!" you screamed punching him in the face. He then sprayed you in the eyes again and grabbed you bridal style and threw you in the back of the van.


At the time you were wearing very umm.... interesting clothes. it was clothes that your mom would call you a slut again for wearing.

You then felt hands hold you bridal style down stairs, then being thrown onto a matress

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You then felt hands hold you bridal style down stairs, then being thrown onto a matress. Looking up you saw him standing at the foot of your bed, you then felt felt a strong hand grip your chin.

"You really did somthing to me, naughty girl." he then grabbed the top part of his mask and pulled it off. Revealing a black eye.

"Yeah, maybe fucking next time don't touch my tits." You said moving your head out of his grip.

"Heh, I guess we could consider it fair then." He said turning back and walked over to the door.

"You like soda? I'll be back with one, we can talk maybe." He said leaving. You couldn't see jack shit, so you figit around finding a toilet. lifting the cover you wash your eyes out. You could see way better, you walk over to the bed and lay down. You were angry that you were kidnapped, cause that means that you couldn't go on that date. But also that you had a perverted grown ass man as your captivator.

Getting lost in your thoughts you heard the door open. You saw the man holding a plate with his full mask back on.

"Hello." He says.

"Hey bitch boy, aren't you going to rape me or somthing? isn't that what kidnappers do?" you said calmly knowing that you just called him out.

"Or, am I going to eat first then you rape me?" he said smirking raising an eyebrow.

"I-" He had no words.

"I won't make you do things you don't- like." You decided to really test his limits. You were a master manipulater. You would probably get out in two days if you play your cards right.

"What if I want you to fuck me?" Of course you didn't, you wanted to play with him.

Silence, he put the plate on the floor

"JUST KIDDING FUCK STAIN BAHAHAHAHAHAH-" you say, using both of your hands to flip him off, he slames the door shut and you lose your shit on  the matress.

"Alright enough fucking around, lets escape this shit hole." you say to your self, you realized that the grabber left the door open. You eat the shitty food that he gave to you and grab the tray and bottle as protection. You weren't gulibal, you knew that it was a trap. But you genuinly didnt want to be here.

You open the door and walk quietly up the stairs. You then kick open the door and smash the emply bottle on his head. He didn't pass out surprisingly, but got up and tried hitting you with the belt in his hand. You then hit him with the tray until he passed out. you then opened a window and got out.

if you wanna read a grabber x reader for the funoff it and also if you like ethan hawke and age appropriate ships- look at my grabber fanfiction please hehehehheh

Did you like how I made a very realistic way of Y/n escaping- lmaoooo-----
anywayyy----- please make sure to vote and comment ideas heheh.


lovers/// Robin x reader x Vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now