The truth

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Just then you feel him pull away, looking up at him you see a smile on his face. You layed down on the grass with Vance following you, you both stare at the stars until you hear Vance speak.

"Do you really think that Robin drugged you? And hit you with a car?" Vance said turning towards you.

"Yeah, why?" You said curiously turning to face him.

You saw as he moved closer to you, then felt as he leaned into your ear.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He said

"Sure, anything." You said quickly

You heard him huff before saying the secret.

"It was me" You heard Vance say into your ear.

You felt backstabbed, lied to, taken advantage of.

"You- why?" You said angerly as you stud up and stepped away.

"Don't you know? I never liked you Y/n, no one does if I'm being honest, hasn't the rumors come to you about the things I've said about you? You're just a pathetic loser that I'll never love. Sorry that you got your hopes up." You heard him say before getting up and walking away.

What the fuck? What the hell just happened? Know that you think about it, you're pretty sure Elvis was drunk or something, and that the people are right at the betty davis show that it was a blonde that walked you out. You didn't know what else to do, but to put withdraw your law suite from Robin  and make one for Vance. You changed all the information to the ones from what the people in tha bar said and started to go in court with him.

In short, you won, and got a shit ton of money out of him and 3 months of therapy from what that mother fucker did to you.

For the months of therapy you kept getting harassed by Vance, he even tried to attack you once. God, you knew it was wrong that you never trusted Robin.

One day though, that changed.


New years eve, it was about to be 80s! You, Finn, Gwen, and Robin were all huddled at the TV in Finnys living room waiting for the ball to drop. Hell even Finns dad was more happy today.

20 more seconds

You and Gwen were holding your breath for the last few seconds.








"Happy new year!!" You all screamed as you felt Robin grab your face and pull you in for a kiss.

Everyone was speachless as they saw you both kissing infront of them for the first time. Pulling away you had to say something before it got way to awkard in the room.

"Happy fuckin New years!!"

lovers/// Robin x reader x Vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now