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After the new years party at Fins house you walk home, once opening the door your mom yells at you the saddest news in your life.

"Honey, we're moving. I've seen what this place has done to you, and I hate it, I don't want to see you like this. We're moving to Oakland, I already have the house on the market, so there's no turning back sweety." She said, standing up and hugging you, telling you to back up your room in some boxes.

You feel the heated tears stream down your face as you cried through backing your various items around your room. Digging up a shoe box from under your bed, you open it and see the collection of notes that Vance and Robin have ever givin to you. Reading them and remembering the memories with them. You shove it all back in the shoe box and shoved it into a u-haul box, throwing the rest of your shit in with it. You soon lose those feelings of sadness once you remember what everyone fucking did to you, looking over at your window you see Vance looking into your room.


Fucking Rage

Thats all you felt, you out of anger decided to open your window to see what that little fucker wanted from you. Once you walked over to the window you see a tisked smirk grow apon his stupid flat face.

"What the fuck do you want fuck face"

"I see your moving, great for me, your finally leaving me the fuck alone. But anyway, I gotta tell you something, but you gotta get closer first." You feel dumb from actually leaning in to him.

"Closer." Moving closer you were about 5 inches away from his face.

"Closer darling, don't be shy." You lean in, now a inch away from his face.

You then feel as he kisses you, resting his palm on your cheek. You wanted to pull away, but his grip was to strong on you, you then hear him say something.

"Now my pathetic love, don't think you can get away from me now. In fact you can't, I have my pocket knife an inch away from your stomach, one wrong move my love and I'll sadly have to shove my blade into your stomach." You feel yourself hitch when you realize that your being threatened.

"Why are you doing this? All I've ever done to you was love you, what use do I have to you now?" You say emotionlessly

"Don't you remember? I told you turn me on, and lately I heard from a little birdy that you feel the same. How about I please both our needs, sense you're leaving and all, I want to leave you with pleaser in your hot, wet, tight, vagina." You feel yourself oddly getting turned on by this maniac.

"Hmm, fi- fine." You say, to be fair either way you had no other option.

He lets go of you, and starts to climb into your room. Then closeing your window and the blinds, then locking the door, diming the light in your room as he walked over to you sitting on your bed. He then layed you down on your bed, as he climbes on top of you and starts agressively tongueing you. You feel as he slides his hand down your pants, teasing your clit, then pulling down your pants and panties. From what you could see, you saw him getting off the bed, then you felt him raise your legs and put them over his shoulders. Grabbing you by your waist and begins to eat you out.

Holy fuck, he may be a dick, but holy shit he's good at giving head.

"Oh yeah, you don't cum until I say you can, got it?" He says, staring you dead in the eyes, you then nodding in response.

After a while he stops sucking you off.

"Your turn sweetheart." He puts your legs back on the ground and you sit up, seeing him pull out his horse cock, holy shit you felt your face go so fucking red.

"What, haven't seen a dick before? suprising coming from you. But anyways, eat up my dear, make sure to clean your plate." You grasp around his memember and shove it deep in your mouth as you agressively suck him off for a while.

"Woah there Y/n, I guess you really wanted to suck me off, you almost made me cum. And we didn't even get to the fun part." He licks his lips and climbs on top of you and puts your leg over his shoulder.

"Oh I almost forgot." He then sits up and takes a condom from his pocket and puts in on, then taking his jacket off and tank top off.

He then gets back into position and puts it in, he then pounds the shit out of you. Trying not to cum, knowing that if you do he'll do something.

You couldn't hold it anymore, and resorted to begging. Grabbing his back you plead to him,

"Please, please, please. I can't hold it anymore, oh my god, please let me cum." You feel your vagina about to burst.

"Only if you call me by my name."


"No that dar-ling." You didn't want to say it.

"Daddy." You say weakly

"You can cum now~" He says cheekily

You felt a wave of pleaser wash over you as you came, it overflowing from your vagina as it oozes everywhere.

"You virgins make so much, and I'm proud of you, My pathetic love~"




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