Love doesn't last forever, it must come to an end.

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Sadly this is the last chapter to this story, Maybe I'll make a sequel to this next year, but rn I need to foccus on my other stories that I've started and need to finish LMAOOO-- Follow me to stay updated : )  (If you so wish)

TW: Use of rape


After Vance leaves you start weaping in your bed, you knew you shouldn't have done it with him. You felt like a whore, only useing a man for sex. But on the other hand, he literally tried to kill you two times, and he basically hates you. Now that you think about it, he basically rapped you. He threatened your life just to have sex with him. You hate to admit it, but your mom was right to move away from this shit show, fuck this man.

It was about 2 am, you gathered yourself together and grew the fucking hell up, you saw that Vance left his vest at your house. Picking it up you didn't know what to do with it, you kinda wanted to keep it, but you also wanted to fucking burn it. You let go of it and let it fall to the floor, walking over to your window, closing your bedroom window and blinds. You investigated the vest again, looking through it, seeing that there was a pocket on the inside. Then finding a note in it, you read it and almost cried, it was him professing his love to you, and seeing little notes on the side. You saw that there was more on the back, it was just him talking to himself about you never accepting him. Its either he actually loves you, or if he was just fucking with himself.

You saw a little date on the top that said it was just before you got into the car crash. You don't understand why he write this if he told you that he doesn't love you.

Its all hollow

he would never say these things to you, not in this world anyway.

Ripping up the paper, you threw it in the fireplace. Just so that you'll never find it again.

Running up the stairs back to your bedroom, you see your sister sitting on the floor looking at the vest.

"What are you doing?-" You said before getting interrupted

"This is that Vance kids vest right? I know him, I see his mom everyday when I go to work at the grocery store. She tells me about Vance, that he always is talking about you, and that your basically a celebrity in their house. She even over hears him talking to himself about how much he loves you, she even showed me some journal entries, not knowing how to talk to you." She says.

"Thats all bullshit, he told me he hates me, and that he doesn't love me. and that he'd never love a loser like... like me." You said, sobbing out your words from how hurt you were.

"You know, some guys tease you cause he likes you, and I really think Vance is that kind of guy. From the shit I've heard about him being a bully, he probably doesn't know how to respond to love from a female like you." She said, staring at you. Not comforting you what so ever.

"No, stop telling me that, its all lies. Its all bullshit, he's just fucking with me." You said pushing your head into the carpet.

"Believe what you want, I'm just telling you my take on this, we're moving anyways, so it doesn't matter. I won't tell mom about this so that you wont get into therapy, I know you and you're tough enough to push through this bullshit." She said, petting your head.

"You really think so?" You said looking up at her.

"Yeah I do, we're related to mom, and she's pretty tough. How about he go down stairs and watch a movie whole I heat up a pizza?" She said, you her and agree.

The whole time you were watching the movie you were talking to your sister about the bright side.

"At least when we move there'll be cuter boys, I hope, California boys are always cute." She said

"Yeah, I really need a supportive boyfriend." You said.

"Same here girlfriend." She said


"Happy 17th birthday Y/n!" Everyone said to you

Moving to Oakand was the best choice you've ever made, everyone is so nice, and your mom finally found another boyfriend. Sense she divorced dad soon after you moved, sense he was always gone in your life. Someone special even decided to move with you. and that special person is now your boyfriend.

His name is Robin Arellano.




-We shouldn't be doing this| Billy hargrove x reader

-Pretty little liars| Johnny depp x reader

- Coming soon (Maybe Feburary 15 2023) ~ Sequel for lovers, but more badass, Rebells. Yes that shitty of a title lmaooo--- I dont want to give out to many hints about what its about, but lets just say someone else decides to move to Oakland over spring break~~

Love y'all and Merry Christmas and happy New year : )

Your lovely,

Angel <3

lovers/// Robin x reader x Vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now