Oh hell no

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anywayyy- I'm to lazy to bust out my iPad and type this shit put so ima use my phone HEHEHEHEHEHEH


After pulling away you look back into his eyes, getting deeply lost in them. He places his thumb on your cheek and smiles, making your heart melt. You started to realize that you're in a public area where people's opinions actually matter about you. Shuffling back into your seat you pull your arms to your side and scrunch your face, as an attempt to stop blushing. 

You then hear Robins chuckle, it makes you soften up a bit. 

"Mr. Arellano, what's so funny back there that it distracts you from the documentary?" Your teacher says in the most teacherly attitude in the world.

"Nothing Mr. Smith." Robin says laying back in his chair. 

You start to feel a pair of eyes drill your skull, leaving a hole through it. You look around and see Vance looking at you with the most pissed off expression on his face. You could tell he wasn't mad at you, but at Robin. 

Class ends and you walk out of the classroom darting to catch up with Robin. Before you could walk with his you could feel a rough pair of hands grab your shoulder, dragging you to the bathroom. Then throwing you on to the tile wall pinning you so that you couldn't get away. 

He got up close to you and hitched in your ear,

"What the fuck were you doing with Arellano?" Vance said, breathing against your neck. 

You grabbed his shoulder so that you could speak into his ear.

"I fucking kissed that son of a bitch, and you sure as fuck can't do shit about it." You said smirking.

Soon regretting your decisions, he grabbed your neck and pressed you firmly against the wall.

"Why the fuck did you kiss him, you belong with me-" you cut his hollow words off

"First off dick head I'm not with you anymore, second, I can kiss whoever the hell I want to." You gasped out the last few words. With his grip around your neck tightening. 

"Maybe you should think about your fucking words before you tell them to me toots." Vance says  looking back down at you tightening his grip. You start coughing, trying to get the last breaths of air through Vance's body heat. 

He then suddenly let go of your neck, making you gasp for air. He then pushed you against the wall and slammed his lips into yours, shoving his tongue into your mouth. You pushed him away and looked at his stupid face. 

"Fuck you asshole! You just think at all women are sluts that'll get pushed around by a man and let them fuck them afterwards. You'll like every single fucking guy! This is why I want to fucking be with Robin, god." You said walking out of the bathroom to your class.

"Bitch." Vance said under his breath, that angered you that he had the ducking nerve to say that to you for what he has done. Walking back in. 

"Shut the fuck up, god men now a days don't know how to fucking treat women." You say flipping him off 

Men fucking suck


lovers/// Robin x reader x Vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now