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After storming out of the bathroom you continue school, avoiding Vance at all costs. You started then walking back home, you dug your hand into your pocket, feeling a piece of paper. Pulling it out you see the flyer that woman gave to you. 

Skimming it you soon realize that the performance is today at 10pm. 

Speaking back home you show on some clothes and look at the time, you had 2 hours to spare. Walking out your room you walk over to the tv, turning it on and watching whatever the hell was on. Boredom shot through to you as you looked at the time, shit it was also time to go. 

Sped walking out the door you hear your sister question where the hell you were going, with you not giving her a response. 

Once reaching the address you walk in, meeting eyes with that same lady that you saw in the record store. She was wearing a black dress with black boots and pearl necklace. Sleek black gloves and a black hand bag, her hair was left out to be frizzy. Still looking as gorgeous as ever.

"Well hello there miss y/n, I see you decided to come to my show." She said looking down at you from her area.

"Yes indeed." You replied

"Well, your show starts at 10:25, make sure to be there, have fun." She said walking away.

You walked around the bar like area seeing pimps and hotties everywhere you looked, you then met eyes with this one man that had brown hair and a sharp smile. 

He walked towards you and stoped in front of you locking eyes with him during him walking to you. 

"Hello their darling." He said, just from his voice you were stunned, this is the Elvis Presley. His voice was layered with a thick southern accent.

"Hello Mr. Elvis." You said tilting you head up to him. 

"How'd you get into the Betty show? You must know how god damn lucky you are. Or you must sing like a goddess." He said walking back to the bar, leaning against the counter, you following.

"Well I didn't expect Elvis fucking Presley to be at a show that a lady in a record store invited me to." You said to him making him chuckle.

"Well I'll see on that stage their missy girl." He said, you walking away, you then felt a hand slap your ass. You looked over at Elvis snicking at you, walking away flustered.

A while later you see Elvis sing on that stage, you feel your cheeks heat up as you heard his alluring voice sing, not to just the crowd, but to you. 

God damn it y/n, stop thinking of a man that your mom kissed, your love is Robin not this tuxedo wearing man. Looking away you look at the coca-cola clock that was hanging up on the wall and you see that after his show in yours. 

Great. The king of rock n roll is before you, an ex choir major. 

You sigh hearing the crowd cheer for Elvis walking off the stage as you walk into the back stage. 

Before going on you feel a hand grab your chin, it was Elvis.

"Listen, you'll do great baby. I bet on my pink Cadillac that you'll blow that stage away."  He said looking back into your eyes, you felt your cheeks heat up as he winked at you, walking away after that. 

"And for our next singer, miss Y/n!" He says as clapping starts spreading through the theater. 

You start walking to the stage and feel the pressure being lifted off your shoulder of failing and looking like a goon in front of pepper who are of higher standard of you. 

You start singing to your favorite song. Stunning the audience to how smooth and graceful your voice was as you spoke every word through the microphone. 

After your performance you felt your self getting excited over everyone cheering and chapping for you. You smiled and bowed as you walked off the stage, the announcer saying your name once again as you saw Elvises exhilarated face as you rushed in to hug you.

"You sounded amazing y/n! Just like an Angel." He said lifting you in the air and twirling you. You felt like a little girl being picked up by her father after school. 

You then felt your feet being put to the ground as a pair of warm lips pressed against your lips, resting his hand against the back of your neck to make the kiss deeper. You felt your arms wrap around his shoulders, falling into the arms of a man you just met.

Not feeling the guilt of kissing yet another man that you won't ever commit to.





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