Stop teasing me, you piece of shit.

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sorry for taking along time to update, time just flew by heheh. Also if you like elvis and austin butler I made a fanfic-- please read it I have alot of ideas for it ;v;---

Why are boys so difficult?

Why do they always play with my emotions.

About a week after you go to a record store hearing the faint music of bb king. Looking through the records you see a black woman walk in, she was beautiful, wearing a silk red dress and sun glasses. She had a short hair cut and wore long gloves, holding a handbag. Looking back at the records you felt someone tap your sholder, looking over you met eyes with the woman. She then swiftly took her glasses up looking you up and down.

"What may I do for you?" You said meeting eyes with her again.

"I heard of your singing, from my daughter from your school. She knew that you were singing fo that Charlie girl, and I want you to sing on my stage." She said tilting her hip, looking you down.

"Why should I sing for you? What do I get out of it." You said snarkly

"You get money out of it, you get fame, you might even get set for life from just even singing on my stage. If I like it, that is." She said grabbing a paper from her hand bag. It was a flyer, 'The Betty Davis show! Beautys only!' the flyer said. You didnt have anyone to play intruments, so it would just be vocals from you.

"Fine I'll sing for you, Miss Davis." You said shoving the flyer in your pocket. You didn't realize it, but excepting that offer might have changed your life forever. That was the most uptight and hardest show to get into, not even bb king could get into it.

Walking home with the mountain of records and cds you bought for like 10 bucks, you then hear someone talk to you.

"Y/n, I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?" Oh lord its Vance. You didn't know weither to ignore him or to kick him in the balls. Ignoring him you feel someone grap your sholder, whipping you around to met eyes with Vance.

"You know, its really fucking rude to ignore someone when there talking to you." He said while you nudged his hand of yoru holder and began walking back to your house. Hearing his annoying voice again.

"Look, I'm sorry for cheating on you and being a dick to you when your the only one who fucking cared about my ass." You heard his hollow words echo through your ear. Rage flowed through your body turning back to him, with the most pissed off face walking towards him, pointing a finger in his face.

"No the fuck you aren't, you stupid low life manipulative piece of horse shit. You're just gonna fucking kiss me and then kiss another one of those slut faced hoe bagges. No wonder your dad left you, two faced son of a bitch." After cussing him out you saw a shocked look on his face slowly fade into a smirk.

"Well missy, that pissed off bitchy expression is what turns me on at night." He said bending over to your level and grabbing the top of your head, kissing you and shoving his tongue into your mouth. You eyes shot open as you stepped back, not knowing what to do. He then bit the bottom of your lip. You felt your core heat up from how much that turned you on. Pulling away you saw his expression, he looked like a horny fuck, taking a few steps back.

"Look, I know you still get turned on by me at night honey, you cant mask your expressions. Hate me as much as you like, but I still love you." He said wipping saliva off of his lip.


Walking back home you open the door to your house and see your sister leaning over on the counter top looking at the TV. She stared at you with every move you made. Putting the records and cds on the counter, hearing her rummaging through them. Taking your shoes and your jacket off  you then walked back to sit in a chair at the "bar", you mom called it that fo some reason.

"Well you got taste virgin." She said staring at the records

"Thanks-" She tehn cut you off

"Did you kiss a boy? Is be a bad boy? I can tell by how you acted and looked the same as me when I kissed a bou when I was your age." She said looking up back at you. You blushed a bit putting your hands on your face, sounding like a little girl.

"Oh yep you kissed a bad boy~" She said getting up from the table grinning and tilting her hip to the side. Which made you more flusterd.

"Oh are we talking about boys? You know Elvis was almost your daddy." Your mom said nudging into the convorsation.

"WHAT!??!?" You and your sister said looking at her calm expression.

"Yeah, that white boy was somthing, kissed like a lion and made love like one too-" She said as your sister interrupted.


"Oh yes heheh, that was along time ago, I was only 14, and he was 24-"

"Mom, thats really fucking cool that you fucked elvis, but thats messed up. Pedophilia madders that is." You said converned

"Oh it was legal back then." she said weaving you away.

"I'm honestly surprised he's still alive." Your mom said resting her elbows on the counter.
Alright, so just pretend that Elvis is still fucking alive ok. Alot of the story will make sense if you just go with it lmao.
I honestly promise you that I'll probably will be posting another chapter later today lmao.

(Remember to read my Elvis fanfic heheheh--)

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