Alone time.

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When you showed finney and Gwen the cuts on your arm.
"That kinky little-" Gwen said holding a fist out
Finney put Gwen's fist down
"Hehe, that was pretty messed up of him to do to you y/n" finney said

Time skip
You wake up putting some clothes on

You walk to school, you started feeling someone watching you

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You walk to school, you started feeling someone watching you. You look over and see the one, the only Vance hopper, sitting on the steps to his house. He looked deep in thought, looking at his shoes. He then noticed you,
"Oh, Y/n!" He said weaving to you and jogging tords you.
"So umm, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me." He said rubbing the back of his neck, still with the emotionless face. You were gonna say no until he gave you an offer.
"Look, I'll give you 20 bucks to just go with me. My mom will have a heart attack if you saw no." You smirked at what he said to you.
"I would love to!" You said giving him a smile.
You started walking to school with Vance walking with you.
"Here,"he said giving you a 20, grabbing it and placing it into your pockets.
"Pleasure doing business." You said walking into school, going to finney and Gwen.
"Hey guys- you won't believe this-" you said as they were crowded around your locker talking about somthing. You opened you locker grabbing a book for your first class.
"What is it?" Gwen said confusingly. Closing your locker you looked over to Gwen.
"Vance payed me to go to the dance with him, for his mom's sake, or some, bull like that"
Robin felt a weave of sadness flow over him, he wanted to ask y/n to the dance. With a pit growing into his stomach.
"Did you accept it?" Finney said
"Yeah, free 20 bucks, all I have to is take a picture with him, and dance with him." You began walking to class with finney. Off course Vance told Moose and so the rumors went though school quickly. Once you walked to class with finney you saw everyone whispering about you and Vance.
You sat down with finney sitting next to you.
Seeing Vance walk in he went and sat next to you. You then felt a hand hold yours, it wasn't finney cause it didn't feel like his. You look over seeing Vance looking out the window with slight visible blush on his face.
Oh yeah you had to really make people believe that you and Vance are a thing.

After class you pulled away from his hand and grabbed you stuff to leave for your next class. While you were walking down thr hall, you were pinned against some lockers, hearing the sound from lockers catching people's attention. You felt his hot breath on your face.
Then he grabbed your chin, tilting it upwards tords him. Getting closer and closer and ended up kissing you.
You were mad and happy at the same time, he was your first kiss. You didn't want Vance to be your first kiss!
He then pulled away seeing the flustered look on your face.
Robin was angry and was watching but could do nothing, he knew that if he tried to fight Vance that he would get whooped by him.
People just stared at you and Vance, with Vance just walking away pretending nothing just happened.
"Woah what the hell was that?!?" You heard Gwen say while walking over to you.
"I-I-i don't know-" you said still processing what happened.

lovers/// Robin x reader x Vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now