Fake it to make it

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Im back i was on a trip with my family so i could only post so little hehe
I made a pinterest account, you can follow me if you like, its @40Angel04.
ANywayy back to the story hehe
After you kissed him on the lips you didn't want to bother him to much, when walking out you saw a girl staring at you. Then you realized, thats Charlie, shes the biggeset gossip girl in school.
"I saw you kissing Vance all over his body, I won't tell anyone unless you do somthing for me." She said smiling devilishly
You never wanted to get involved with her, you always hated getting into drama.
"W- what do you want me to do?" you said clutching your fists, a drop of sweat went down your face.
"I want you to sing for me." You were in chior sence you were a kid, you had an amazing voice. You were a little surprised she wanted you to do that.
"Wh- hat?"
"You heard me, I want you to sing for me, I want to mouth your singing." You then started to realize what she was asking of you.
"Okay Ill do it, just please don't tell anyone."
"I wont tell a soul, scouts honor." She said holding up 3 fingers
Next day

You woke up realizing what promise that you made to Charlie, you already hated the fact that you were starting to develop feeling for Vance, he was no good. You knew your mom would disaprove of him, maybe they would approve of robin....
You started blushing in your bed when you thought that, kicking the air you got out of bed. Doing your morning routine you picked out an outift for the day.

(If the fit is out of your comfort zone, you can wear a flanal or a zip up

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(If the fit is out of your comfort zone, you can wear a flanal or a zip up.)
You walked out the door, quickly hearing a voice.
"Oh, Y/n! do you want me to do drive you to school, you must be tired from last night." She said walking tords you. Woah sobar mom, better take advantage of this.
"Sure." you said, starting to walk over to your moms car.
Time skip to school
you walked out of the car and shut the door.
"Bye, love you sweety!" Your mom said rolling down your window.
"Love you." You said looking back at her, walking into school. Walking down the hall you didn't see anyone by your locker, not even Gwen. You turned the dile, failing to unlock it, trying again and again. You heard someone knock on your locker door. Looking over you saw that same stupid place from the emergancy room.
You sighed looking back to grab your books, waiting for that witch to respond.
"Don't forget what you have to do Y/n~" She said moving over to the right for her to see me.
"Oh, I dont fucking forget, I never forget, I fucking keep my promises."  You said iritated that you couldn't open your locker.
"Great, behind the stage at about 12:20. Ill have the microphone set up, by the way, the song I want you to sing is cherry bomb, the song from the radio."
Oh god, not that you didnt like the song, its just for must of the song you hear your natural voice. Of course it was her problem if she got caught. You were also nervous, you've never sang at this school.
"Oh, ok. Cya." You said focusing more on unlocking your locker, weaving her out of your face. You grabbed yoru books, locking your locker after. You started to walk to class when you see in the distance Finney weakly running tords you.
"Y/n, oh god-" he said crounching infront of you on his knees, huffing and puffing.
"Are you ok?"
"No, I ran all the way to school. Robin not suspened from school for like a week. Gwen ran after the abulence, and got a cold."
"Oh no, I hope she gets better." You say
"Yeah hehe, anyway, I heard what happened to Vance, is he ok?" He said, I guess no one remembers you kissing Vance, I guess it was just yourself imaging things. You then started realizing in your mind that it would be worse now if people found out.

Time skip, lunch time

You start walking behind the stage and see Charlie smirking near the microphone.
"Here it is, sing your heart out, Y/n~" she said walking away, the back stage was just a room with a chair and a tree wooden cut out. You sigh, grabbing the microphone and sitting down in the chair.
"By the way, I want you to start singing at 12:25 on the dot." she said peeking her head into the room
"Mk." You say side eyeing her.
Time passes and you see the clock in teh room hit 12:25.
When you sing you fell into the music, even proforming a little bit in the room. The song ended and you put the microphone back on the stand and walk out the door, looking out to seeing everyone claping in the cafiteria, and see Charlie smiling and saying thank you. You started getting mad, you never knew that your singing was that good, you then saw finney smiling and clapping really hard.
Charlie walked off stage, the curtains closed and you walked over to leave when you heard Charlie talk.
"Good Job Y/n, you really made me look good out there. Have fun doing this weekly." She said walking past you and leaving, weaving to everyone when you saw her, going then to her table with her friends. You walked over to Finney seeing him eating his food.
"Oh Y/n, you just missed it, Charlie was singing, realy well. It even caught mooses attention." HE said as you sat down.
"Thats nice." You said holding back your anger and talked to finney about school. the only thing on your mind was Robin. Its hard to admit it, but he looked hot as fuck when he was fighting Vance, like damn that ass-
You starting blushing and started tuning out Finney.
Why do I feel these things?
I'm with Vance, I can't feel these things.
God all I want to do is talk to Gwen right now, shes such a good person to talk to. But you also don't want her to find out you being with Vance. She would go bullistic, she never liked him and always avoided him, once though she fight back to him and got her ass whooped by Vance.
And you were the one that had to tend to her, hehe.
Hehehe sorry it took longer than expected,
I hope you like it!  make sure to look at my eddie fanfic- I only have an info page for it hehe- but I promise it will be good

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