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Time skip, like 2 months, the day before the dance lmao
Ok so though out the months Vacne and you hanged out more, told storys and went out to places, you liked hanging out with him. Seeing this side that he never shown to anyone, like a new Vance. He also started slowly developing feeling for you, you didnt know it, but you were to.


After school you grabbed out of your moms purse her credit card, going out to buy a dress for the dance.
Once you reached the mall, you and one of your friends went dress shopping, you found this cute one that was red

 Once you reached the mall, you and one of your friends went dress shopping, you found this cute one that was red

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You bought the dress and went home.
"Where were you, y/n?" Your mom said looking at you as you walked throught the door.
"Oh I went dress shopping for the dance tommorow." You said
"Oh show me." your mom says. You go upstairs and start putting on the dress, you looked at your self in the miror, you looked beautiful, you pushed all the bad thoughts that you would normally have. You even cried a little when you looked at your self. Walking out of your room you went downstairs, your mom looked shocked when she saw you. You saw as she put a hand over her mouth.
"Your so luckly that you got my genes. Or else i would have told you to return it" She said walkign to you, while giving you a hug.
The next day you wake up hearing that annoying ass alarm clock, you threw a stuffed animal at it.
Getting up you saw the red dress, remembering what day it is. You put some clothes on

You walk out the door seeing finney weaving to you from outside your door

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You walk out the door seeing finney weaving to you from outside your door.
"Hey! Wheres Gwen and robin?" You said looking confused.
"Oh they left, Robin had a scheduled fight or somthing, and gwen wanted to come." He said walking with you.
"Well be better get going, I wanna see the fight." You said in an oddly exciting tone. Walking a bit faster.
When you made it to the front of the school you saw Robin on top of Moose, Gwen and y/n began rooting for robin. either "beat his ass" or "Go robin".
Robin got off of moose and walked tords with you adn gwen.
"Alright lets go, i think he learned his lesson." He said.
You started walking into the building with everyone following beside you.
"By the way, thanks for the cheering me on, Epspeically you Y/n." He said winking at you, grabbing your hand kissing it. Then firmly holding your hand after it.
What he just made you feel the burning blush on your face. Then your face looking flustered
In class you still were holding his hand. feeling everyone looking at you.

Vance was jellous, he never felt this way tords someone, except Y/n. It felt weird, he hated seeing you with anyone else. He tried to push those thougths out of his head when he suddenly met your gaze. He felt his cheeks heat up, then looking away hiding his flustered face. He loved the feeling, the feeling of no worry, the feeling that he has someone to come to. He will push away one and everyone that gets in the way of that, anything.
after school you started getting ready for the dance, slipping your dress on you put on some makup, adding a gold ring and a gold necklace. You went downstairs and saw Vance waiting with your mom, he was wearing a black suit, you saw the blush on his face when you walked down.
"Here, my mom said in tradition for every dance."You said giving him a corsage. He stuck it in his pocket and held his arm out meaning for you to link arms with him.
"Oh one picture." Your mom said, grabbing a cameraand taking a million picture of you and Vance. You smiled, but you dont think Vacne did. You walked out seeing who you assume is Mrs. Hopper driving, Vance opened the door and you walked in, hearing the slam of the door closing. You then see him get in. During the drive you felt his hand crawl over yours, sqeezing it gently. you saw his face fluster as he looked out the window. You blushed and smiled at him.
Once you made it to your school you walked in.
The school made you take a picture, you got infront of the camera and smiled for the picture, as you smiled you think you saw Vance actually smiling.
After the picture you took one with you, robin, vance,finney, and gwen.
How the picture was taken
( Robin, y/n, Vance)
   Finney, Gwen
You had a hand on finney and gwens sholder during the picture, with robin giving you bunny ears, with Vacne givingbunney ears to finney and gwen.
After the photo you go to the punch table and grab a cup of punch, you see Vance come up to you rubing the back of his head.
"Hey, umm y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to dance?" Vance says holding out a hand."
"Oh sure." You grabbed his hand
You started dancing with him, then the slow dancing song played. You wrapped your arms aroudn his neck, feelign Vance wrap his arms aroudn yoru waist. Digging your head into his chest, and feeling his chin rest on your head. You blushed, you knew how stupid you looked, you hated and loved how you looked, living the moment, living your life. You didnt want to moment to end, you wanted to stay there forever, feeling his body warm, smelling his scent. It all made you happy.
You smiled and blushed in his chest, suddenly you felt your chin being tilting, seeing Vance.
"Y/n, I love you." He said getting closer adn closer to your lips. feeling the passionate kiss melt though you, you knew somthing, you knew you loved him also.
After you both pulled away you looked at each other with love and passion in your eyes.
"Vance I- I love you too." you said, feeling tears stream down your face while you spoke.

lovers/// Robin x reader x Vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now