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After saying that under your breath you feel your self feel the guilt of a life time from kissing him.

"No I can't, Vance is my lover." You say pushing your self as far away from Robin as posible, feeling your back hit the back of the head bord.

"Come on Y/n, can't you see? Vance just abuses you to love him, he's probably the one that drugged you..." He mumbles the last words. You feel angry.

"Get out." You say bluntently

"What? Y/n come on-" He says leaning towards you

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT, YOU JELLOUS LITTLE ROACH." You spat at him before pointing to the door

"Fine, geez." He says walking out sturnly.

You sit in your bed for a while and listen to the heart moniter beat. You then hear a knock on the door frame of your hospital room.

"Hello, Y/n? Thank god your ok." You hear that same southern accent say before feeling arms rap arround you.

"E- Elvis?" You say before seeing him sit down at the end of your bed.

"Yes, I heard what happened to you, and I know who drugged you, and the basterd who hit you that night." You heard him say, his voice ring through your ears.

"I'll tell you the story."


We went out seprate ways, I do a few rounds of beers before deciding to leave. Until I look over at you and see some long haired bastered with a head band sitting with you and buys you a soda. I see him sneak something in your drink, some white powder, then talk to you for while. I then leave and wait in my car for you to leave, when I see the long haired boy walk you out, then leaves you in the street. I see him get into a car and quickly turn it on, while you were walking aross the street I saw him drive crazy fast. I quickly jump out of my car and was about to push you out the way until I see teh car two inches away from your body. I felt the guilt off not doing anything flow through my body and fall to my knees and crawl over to you, grabbing your body and wabble over to the club you and I preformed at.

The police came and I saw that bastered drived away.


You were angry and stonded from the story he told you, Robin really did it? I mean hes the only one you know that has a headband and long hair. Atleast you know your savior who saved your ass from not dying.

"I- Robin did it?" You said coldly looking into Elvises worried eyes.

"You know that boy? Screw it, I'm sueing that son of a bitch." He said before storming out the room.

You didn't say anything against it, you knew Robin deserved it. Mayber that was why he was trying to get so close to you. Why would he try to kill you? Hopefully you get answers soon before the rage of you decides to sue him of fortains.

"That son of a bitch." You say to your self, soon after you escape the hospital and go home and get showered with crys and hugs from your family.

You start to make plans and alot of phone calls, paying for good lawyers, looking for people who just saw you and robin at the place. All the info you need to fucking have more and more proof that he drugged and hit you. Robin tried to call you, but you picked up saying, "Speak to my fucking lawyers before you fucking decide to talk to me".

The school heard about it and you started getting back with Vance, who was of course on your side.

About a week later the court trile was about to come in play, in a month or so. You got a law suit for Robin to not be in 60 feet distance close to you. You focused more on yoru studies for the next month or so. You felt the rush of knowing that a shit ton of money is going to you after the trile. The day was about to come.




also if you like evan peters, I made a fic of him that has a chapter posted to it. Check it out heheheheh <333

---Angel <333

lovers/// Robin x reader x Vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now