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It's midnight, the perfect time to hunt. Thick clouds obscure the stars and any hint of light the new moon tries to give. A shroud of darkness descends upon everything as if the world itself knows that someone will die tonight. In Sector 5 all is quiet; a curfew is in place and all people except those working shifts in the factories are forbidden to leave their homes. Yet, a shadow is moving, silently jumping from roof to roof of the closely packed shacks; made of corrugated metal and tarpaulin, with an elegance and grace betraying years of training. There is an unmistakeably formidable air around the shadow, it's hunting. Its prey below scurrying from shadow to shadow unaware of the honed blade lurking above. The prey comes in the form of a man, wearing a suit at odds with the dilapidated buildings around him and the poverty of the Sector. As he hurries down a narrow alleyway between buildings looking over his shoulder the silent predator drops into the alley with no more than a muffled thud.

'Please, please don't do this! I have children.' The man begs, hands held out in front of him, backing into the alley wall.

The predator pays him no heed advancing slowly, pulling a dagger out of its belt. The figure is dressed all in black with a large hood and balaclava covering most of their face. As the silent shadow moves forwards, they remove their hood and balaclava and their features are thrown into contrast. A girl, looking no older than 18 with masses of curly black hair that waves softly to just below her shoulder blades with no humanity in her piercing emerald eyes. A scar mars her face, running from the corner of her left eyebrow to the corner of her mouth. Without hesitation she slides a green and gold dagger held in a black gloved hand into his gut in a practised manner, twists and steps back as he slides to the floor.

'Your children are safe.' She says in a hoarse voice, as if it isn't something she uses very often. Her gaze flicks over her shoulder and it is as if a mask comes over her, once again hiding any sign of humanity in her eyes.

She stands over him watching as the life drains from him then she turns and walks away melting back into the shadows leaving no trace other than the man in the suit, lying lifeless on the floor in a spreading pool of blood.

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