Chapter 32

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Luckily Lizzie and Damon have enough experience with being here whilst we were in the hospital room that they know their way to a cafeteria where we can get food. They used to have to wait until it had been cleared out though, so it is a refreshing change to be able to eat at a normal time. The cafeteria is packed with people, but we keep our heads down and no one gives us a second glance. I find myself wondering just how many people are in this place, with all the different levels and the fact that there are obviously enough of them that a new face isn't really anything different.

I'm distracted by my thoughts when I'm steered into an organised line by Lizzie and Damon. We grab metal trays from a stand near the back and move slowly but regularly forward. Whilst we wait everyone else talks, but I satisfy myself with looking around the room. It is well lit in here by lights fixed into the ceiling and walls. All around me is rough grey stone, as if this room were scooped out by hand from the rock itself.

It makes me wonder if this was the first room created, when the people building this place were less skilled. After all food is one of the most important things to supply to a group of people.

All throughout the big space are tables and chairs set up with four chairs to a table and most are full of people eating and laughing although a few sit alone. Set along one side where we are currently lining up to get food is a bar like structure, set further back into the wall with containers and glass covering them on one side. A row of people stand behind the counter and hand out food to the people waiting.

When I ask Lizzie, she explains that the servers are different every day, so I take that to mean that it is a task that everybody has to do at one point or another. When we almost get to the front of the line, I ask Lizzie how many meals there are per day. She says that the food bar stays open all day but only 3 meals are served free to each citizen. We are lucky enough to have arrived at an allocated free meal time. Any other food needs to be paid for. The currency here, she says is in materials that are specific to a persons craft, vegetables for example, or fabrics.

When we reach the front of the line Damon gets called forward first and I watch carefully to see what he does. He speaks casually to the sever whilst looking at the trays in front of him finally pointing to one that the server places onto his tray and then puts a carton of something besides it. Damon thanks them and leaves and Lizzie gets called forwards. Some people stay longer to chat with the servers, maybe friends and family and others move straight on once they receive their food. The next person is called, and Lizzie gives me a push forward. I walk to the person who is no longer serving anyone and place my tray in front of them. The server is an older looking woman with her hair in a new bun.

'You're Ava's daughter, right?' She asks looking at me.

I blink at her a few times. 'Umm.'

'Never mind, I can tell, you look exactly like her. Anyway, I'm guessing this is the first time here?' She says in a kind voice.

'Uh, yeah it is.' I say slightly awkwardly.

'Ok honey, what takes your fancy, you choose one thing and you get its sides, a drink and desert.' She says gesturing in front of her.

Behind a protective glass stuck in the counter, in large containers is steaming meals. There is something like macaroni and cheese, shepherd's pie, lasagne and other things like soup and pasta. I panic slightly at all the choice, I'm used to eating just whatever is available and end up pointing towards the shepherd's pie, which is closest to me. She spoons out a bowlful of it putting the bowl on the tray, she gives me a small jug of gravy and a small plate with carrots and beans on it. She also fills a cup with water.

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