Chapter 9

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The way back to the house is silent between me and Sapphire. All our concentration is on supporting Damon. He wakes up when we are ¾ of the way home, but his eyes are no more than small slits due to the swelling on his face, so even though he was able to walk to some extent he still needed support from Sapphire and myself.

After getting home and putting Damon on the couch I had so recently vacated and being fussed over by Sofia we were served a delicious dinner of a creamy fish and potato kind of thing that Sofia had spent the day preparing to welcome us home.

It was a luxury that I had never tasted before. I had also never felt so full. Back at the Hub where we were only given enough food to keep going and keep us in physically fit condition, with no regard to the taste as long as it gave necessary nutrients. The day before I had eaten delicious food, but I hadn't taken the time to truly savour it as I do today. So, I ate more than I should have and after being wished good night by Sofia and Malcolm, Sapphire and I headed upstairs to her room.

She disappears into the bathroom to shower and get changed for bed whilst I put on some borrowed pyjamas from her, a soft cotton shirt and some flannel bottoms. Her scent is all over them and, after checking that the daggers are still safely under the mattress I sink into bed and, despite planning on staying awake to go to the study, the scent surrounding me comforts me and I fall into a deeper sleep than I can ever remember. My last thought before falling asleep is that I will attempt to get into the study again soon. Whilst I am sleeping, I don't notice Sapphire coming back into the room or that she stares at me for a long time before falling asleep herself.

For the next several days that quickly turn into a week we remain in the house, not wanting to invite any more trouble. I spend my time observing the family, their personalities, their weaknesses... Their strengths. Slowly I begin to gain their trust, they no longer follow me from room to room, instead leaving me free to roam around the house.

The only obstacle I face is Sapphire. No matter where I turn I always seem to be the subject of that vibrant gaze, a furrowed brow as if she was trying to figure me out. Every night I plan to go to the study and every night Sapphire is awake, keeping vigil until I fall asleep.

And yet, I don't find her constant attention annoying, quite the opposite actually. I yearn for those eyes to be on me, every time an action or joke makes her laugh my heart flutters a little in response. Tonight we had stayed up whispering long into the night and Sapphire had actually fallen asleep before me. I'm so warm though, so content... I tell myself I'll go into the study tomorrow.

I am walking down a long metal corridor that seems to go on forever. Doors line both sides, barely visible in the dim light from the few bare bulbs hanging on the ceiling. Screams come from behind each door, agonising screams of pain and terror. I open one door at random and inside is a woman curled up on the floor her long blond hair strewn around her face. She turns to face me, and I'm shocked to see that I recognise her. She was the first person I ever killed on a hunt, her head tilts and sure enough on her throat is the knife cut I made so many years ago. I back out of the room and turn, running down the hallway my feet pounding out a rhythm that matches my now racing heart. I throw open doors at random, finding all the people I've ever killed in each of them. But in a vague sense of order, each room along the corridor holding someone more recent. I come to the one holding the most recent man I killed, his suit stained with blood. There are more doors after him so in confusion I open the next one along. Benny is curled up inside his messy curls matted with blood, mouth open and eyes glazed and unseeing. I open room after room and each member of the family appear. Sapphire with one missing eye, Damon with blood gushing from his throat. The final door is at the end of the hallway. I know what awaits me in it, but I am compelled to open it anyway. Inside this door is a heap of bodies, the floor is drenched in blood and the iron smell of it turns my stomach. I always hated the smell. Z-2 lies on top, I can hardly tell where her hair ends, and blood begins. I look into the first face I ever remember seeing, my best friend, as her eyes open and she turns to stare at me.

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