Chapter 31

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For the first time since getting bitten by the dog I open my eyes and instantly know that I'm in a dream. I stand in a beautiful meadow on a bright clear day. Far in the distance are large mountains with snow-capped peaks. Nestled towards the edge of the meadow is a log cabin with smoke curling from a chimney. I walk towards it through long grass that smells like... Nature. There's no other way to describe it. An intoxicating mixture of honey and flowers fill my nose. This isn't like the meadow that took us weeks to walk through, this is cool and crisp. Invigorating and refreshing. Despite past experiences I feel at ease in this dream, comfortable. A figure steps out of the doorway. Her silhouette is cast in shadow and her hair separates from the rest of the shadow flying around her head in a breeze unfelt by me. From her stance, her height, everything about her, I know without a shadow of a doubt that Sapphire stands in the doorway. Behind her comes a much smaller figure. Long hair similarly flying away. From a few strands that catch the sunlight I can tell that the hair is a deep red colour. The child leans against Sapphire's leg in an affectionate, comfortable way. I mount the small wooden stairs leading to the front entrance and Sapphire moves out of the doorway to come and greet me. I step forward to meet her but don't make a step before I'm swept away into darkness as I slowly drag myself back to consciousness.

I stay lying with my eyes closed for a few minutes savouring Sapphire's body against mine and trying to lose myself back into that dream. I want to know who the child was. Try as I might though I can't fall back to sleep. I feel a warm breath across my face and jerk my eyes open, startling Sapphire who had propped herself up to look at me.

'Sorry Saph, sorry.' I say apologetically.

'It's ok.' She says laughing. 'I'm not going to lie you scared me a little. I thought you were still asleep.'

'Did I move at all? I dreamed.' I say to her.

'No, not really just a little shifting around but you always seem to have a need to move. Even when you sit, you're tapping and fidgeting away.' She says lying her head back down on my chest again.

I lift my hand from where it is around her back and rest it on top of her silky smooth hair. She pulls herself up again and scoots up me so that her face is level with mine. She reaches her hands around the back of my head and tangles her fingers in my black curls as she lowers her head down to mine and kisses me in a slow, luxurious way. I kiss her back sinking deeper into the sofa moving my hands from the top of her head lazily making circles as I trail down her back loving every bump, crevice and inch of her beautiful body. She pulls away for just a second to shift herself so that, instead of lying on me she sits on my stomach and bends double, her hands cupping my face. Gentle on the new bruise. My fingers find her hair of their own free will and I tangle them in it, wanting nothing more than to get her closer to me, to be closer to her. She arches her back a little and a groan comes from so deep within her that I feel it reverberate through my whole body.

I begin to kiss her more frantically my senses tingling, a fire sweeping through my body leaving me hot and cold at the same time. We begin to get more confident, more exploratory. The news about Lizzie leaves me needing distraction and Sapphire seems to sense this, obliging me as we go further than we ever have before. She moves her hands down grasping the hem of my shirt and slowly pulls it up revealing my stomach. She lets go of my shirt and moves her hand across my stomach pressing with a gentle weight as she keeps her lips on mine. She carefully moves her hand up my stomach taking my shirt with it as she goes. She pulls away for a second so that she can pull my shirt over my head. I lift my arms up to allow her to pull it off and she tosses it to the floor. She stares at me with hungry eyes before she pulls her lips back down to mine. This time it's my turn to grip her shirt and pull it up. I brush her skin as I go and feel goose-bumps spring up in response. I bring it over her head like she did to me and put it on the floor next to my own discarded shirt.

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